Chapter 3; PREGNANT!?!

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A week later

Jin's Pov

I was in the middle of class Namjoon was also in my class I felt eyes staring at me but then I felt the edge of puking I raised my hand "can I go to the bathroom?" I asked my math teacher she sighs "ok but don't stay there for to Long" I excused my self as I was out the classroom. I ran to the restroom and quickly went to the stalls and started puking.

Tears were flowing down my cheeks and I felt a hand on my shoulder I turned around to see Jimin and Taehyung with worried faces I turned around as started to puke again 'why is this happening to me?' "Jin we will take you to the hospital okay," Jimin said rubbing my back "it hurts" my raspy voice came out "don't worry the doctor will know what's wrong" Tae tried to calm me.

The doctor was checking if Something was wrong with me "Ah well I found out why your puking and...." The doctor looked at me then says the two words that shock me "you're pregnant" I was shocked out of my mind "I'm pregnant how!?!" I was angry I have a feeling who this baby father is "well on the outside your a male right? But on the inside you have women organs your kind is very rare" he smiled at me "and your 1 week pregnant".

I came out and Jimin and Taehyung rushed up to me. "So what is it?" "I'm..." I bit my lip trying so hard not to cry "your what" they both said I sync "I'm pregnant". 

2 months later

We were back at school Jimin and Tae said they will protect me if Namjoon and his gang would bully me which made me happy that they wouldn't leave me but I swear to god if I see that little shit I will punch him.

'Ah there he is well I'm going to punch him' I walked up to him he had that same smug he always has on his face then... I punched him "I HATE YOU" I screamed and ran away so he wouldn't hurt my baby I knew if I tell him he would make me get rid of the baby. I never fight anymore I always run.

As I was running I could see Namjoon chasing after me he looked angry 'shit!!' I had to run faster I didn't want him hurting the baby or me. I ran faster and faster until I spotted a tree 'I should climb up that' I quickly went climbing up and climbed a bit higher "Ugh!!! Seokjin come down here and face me like a man!!!" Joonie screamed I smirked I expected this from him I poked my tongue out "I would but your down there and I'm up here so no reason to waste my time with you"

After a few minutes, I Heard nothing I looked down to see if he was three but he wasn't I climbed down only to be met with Joonie pinning me to the tree I climbed up in. His leg was pushing my private area "so Jin why...why do You keep running normally you would fight us but after two months you haven't?" He kept slowly pushing his legs on my crouch. I bit my lip so a moan wouldn't escape my lips. I only wore baggie shirts so Joonie didn't know I was pregnant His hands are holding me tight. A tear escaped my eye "J...Joonie I...I'm p...pregnant" I stutter the whole sentence "Bullshit" he lets go of me "that what you have growing in there is not mine" those were the last sentence he said before he left I fell to the ground and cried my eyes out "Joonie why are you so cruel"

I was sitting on my bed I haven't even told my mom that I'm pregnant I don't have a dad so yeah "I have to give it a shot" I mumble to myself as I make my way to the stairs and going down them. "Mom!" I scream "yeah" I know she looks annoyed she never liked me anyway "I have something to tell you" she looked curious but still angry "What! What is that is so important!" She snapped "I'm pregnant" 

she was shocked at first but then "So what you know what get out take your stuff with you I already have to deal with you I can't have another Seokjin I have to take care GET OUT!!!" She yelled at the end of the sentence. I was full of tears I ran to my room.

I got my suitcase and packed what I needed then I saw my mom looking still angry she opened the door and when I walked out she pushed me causing me to fall on the ground "AND DON'T COME BACK" I heard her tell before she shut the door loudly I wasn't paying attention to her because I landed on something soft I looked up to see "Joonie?" I softly said I got up.

He came up also "what's wrong?" I was angry what would he care and why is he here "WHY DO YOU CARE" I just started to walk away from him and started to walk to Jimins...

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