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Dan🐀: lou I need you. Come over

LouiseP❣: wHat?! What's wrong?

Dan🐀: i don't want to talk about it...

LouiseP❣: ...

LouiseP❣: Dan

LouiseP❣: we both know there's no point in resisting me

LouiseP❣: you're going to tell me anyway

LouiseP❣: would you rather that was in person where you risk the chance of embarrassingly crying in front of me?

LouiseP❣: or right now, behind a phone screen so you won't have to deal with my reaction?

Dan🐀: hnnvg how do you know me so well?

Dan🐀: fine

Dan🐀 is typing

Dan🐀: I think Phil is avoiding me...

LouiseP❣: ??

Dan🐀: like he doesn't reply to my messages anymore

Dan🐀: he takes every excuse he can to not hang out with me

Dan🐀: and he's always ditching me for Charlie!!!!

read at 11:54

Dan🐀: ...

LouiseP❣: I see what this is about...

LouiseP❣: you're jeaLOUS!

Dan🐀: WHAT!?!?!?

Dan🐀: where the hell did you get that from?

LouiseP❣: do you honestly not see it Dan?

Dan🐀: see what?

LouiseP❣: *sigh*

LouiseP❣: Never mind...

Dan🐀 is typing

Dan🐀: no. Louise! If there is something I'm missing here, please tell me!

LouiseP❣: fine

LouiseP❣: but remember you asked for it!

LouiseP❣ is typing

LouiseP❣: Dan!

LouiseP❣: the reason why you're upset isnt because Phil is avoiding you...

LouiseP❣: its because he's spending time with his boyfriend. And that makes you jealous.

LouiseP❣: and you don't want Phil to have a boyfriend. At least not one that isn't You!

Dan🐀 is typing
Dan🐀 is typing

Dan🐀 is typing

Dan🐀: not sure I'm following You...

LouiseP❣: don't act coy Daniel!

LouiseP❣: you like Phil...

Dan🐀: of course I do. He's my best friend!

LouiseP❣: ouch!

LouiseP❣: but you know that's not what I meant!

LousieP❣: you like Phil as more than a friend...

read at 12:17

LouiseP❣: Dan???

Dan🐀: iM Not GAY

LouiseP❣: dan...

Dan🐀: Phil and I are just friends

Dan🐀: god Louise why do you have to gay everything up!?!?!

Dan🐀: not every guy that looks at each other are banging!!!

Dan🐀: honestly I thought you knew better

Dan🐀 is typing

Dan🐀: I'm not gay

Dan🐀: i don't like Phil

Dan🐀: I don't like boys!

Dan🐀: that's disgusting

Phil🍑 is typing

Phil🍑: is that right?

Phil🍑: is that wot u think of me nd Charlie? That we're disgustin?

Dan🐀: OMG Phil! No I didn't mean it like- fuck I'm in the wrong chat!

Phil🍑: like that makes it any better...

Phil🍑: I cnt believe u'd say thisbhind my bck!

Dan🐀: Phil I didn't mean. It Louise was saying some stuff which made me feel uncomfortable and I...

Dan🐀: I'm sorry

Phil🍑: wateva!

Phil🍑: idc!

Phil🍑 is typing

Phil🍑: jst stay away from me

Dan🐀: Phil! Nonpleas!

read at 12:26

Dan🐀: Phil I'm sorry

Dan🐀: please don't leave me

read at 12:28

Dan🐀: fcuk I'm crtinh!

read at 12:31

Dan🐀: phiw?

Dan🐀: o vant luve wirhouy uyi!

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