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(Hi guys, this is my first reader insert. Actually I had already done this part but of course, I accidently deleted all the work I had just done, go me. Well, if you have any suggestions or critiques please comment, I'm always trying to improve my writing. I'm sorry if this drags on a bit but it is the beginning, just know that the rest of the story won't seem as boring as this. One more thing, I'm making italics read-chan thinking. Thank you, and I hope you enjoy.)
[I was just looking over comments and noticed I spelt my OWN character's name wrong. Jesus this came out like last year and I never noticed how am I this stupid!1!1!1]

"Ugh!" I screeched out as I realized my phone had just died. Everyone immediately stared in my direction, wondering why I had just made that noise. Taya, my best friend, was doing her best not to crack up. Her hand went up to her red face and her eyes glossed over. My teacher sighed, then started addressing me.

"(y/n), would you like to tell me," she continued while brushing some gray hair from her glasses, "why you did that?" What do I say? I definitely can't just go 'Oh, my phone died while I was ignoring your class and it made me quite agitated.' Okay (y/n), think of an excuse, you got this.

"I'm so sorry Mrs. Peterson. I was just sad that it's Friday. I love school, but now I have to wait a whole two days until i can learn again." I grimaced in my mind. Good going (y/n), that's so believable. I glanced over at Taya, and I could see her chest heaving from concealing her laughing. Mrs. Peterson just sighed and got back to lecturing. I glanced at the clock, 1:47, only about 8 minutes. I just started doodling on scrap paper. It turned into a full on drawing of naruto in chibi form. I have a seriously unhealthy obsession with anime, that one specifically. I see Taya packing up her stuff, so I put the drawing in my folder.

The bell rang and everyone rushed out to their lockers. Me and Taya got our stuff and headed for the bus. It was a quiet ride since we were both watching anime on her phone. Taya had to get off so we said goodbye and agreed to play mario kart later. For the rest of the bus ride I just glanced out the window. I wonder what it would be like to live in a different world. Namely an anime one. Would that even be possible though?

After around 10 more minutes it was finally my bus stop. I got off, walked straight into my empty house. Both my parents work during the day but they get back around 2 hours after I get out of school. My brother usually goes out with his friends after school. I went to my room and turned on my switch. Taya was already on. After a while of beating her in mario kart, I finally checked the time. It was already 5, we've been playing for 2 hours already. I say goodbye to Taya and log off. I decide to play with my piebald ball python, Scorpius, for an hour. He slithered all around my arms, legs, and even my neck. I put him back in his enclosure, then went downstairs.

My mother, father, and brother are home now. "Hi honey," my mother says sweetly as I walk into the kitchen, "how was school?"

"Oh the usual. Nothing new really." I replied in a bored tone. She nods curtly, and I walk into the family room. I see my brother on the couch and my father on the armchair watching TV. "Hey Damian, father, what's up?" I asked plopping onto the couch next to Damian. My dad nods hello to me as my brother starts to speak.

"Nothing sis. Have you seen any good shows lately?" He says calmly as he looks at me from the corner of his eyes.

"No, sadly. I'm going back upstairs. If you need me text me." I made my way back up to my room. "What should I binge tonight?" I wondered aloud. How about Naruto, I haven't seen the very beginning in a while. I turned on the TV and went one netflix. But something was off, why was the logo blue and orange? After that everything happened so suddenly. I don't remember much before collapsing back into my bed, but I do remember a voice. It was hard to make out, but I think it went something like,

"I hope you as well as your snake will feel welcome in Konoha."

Hopping Along the Dimensional Plane (Various Naruto X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now