Chapter 22 ~ The Chunin Exams?

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I woke up as the covers were ripped from my body. I immediately felt myself get cold from the lack of blankets and moved my gaze to Scorpius, standing in front of me holding my blanket. It looked as though he attempted to pull the mess called his hair into a half up half down style, yet his bangs still hung over his red ninja headband he received after we got back from the Land of Waves. He was clad in a shoulderless black top with red lining. He was also wearing black and red arm guards that went to the elbow. At the waist was a red bow sash, and he was wearing pants of red and black as well. "Get up already. Kakashi won't be there for around another hour but you should get dressed and eat now," I looked back to his face and sighed, knowing that he was right. I slid onto the floor and picked myself up, walking to the closet.

"Well, get out I gotta change."

"You never seemed to mind when I was a snake," he answered smirking at me. I felt myself go red, before quickly forming a chakra nerf gun in my hand. I saw his eyes go a little wide before he ducked out of the room. "You've gone mad with power. You're using your kekkei genkai to threaten me with a nerf gun!" I heard him walk away from the door, probably to go make breakfast. I put on my outfit, consisting of a black strapless tube top undershirt, a pale yellow sleeveless top with white lining, as well as two full arm guards that are yellow and white, only leaving my shoulders exposed. I slipped on my white short shorts and used my headband as a belt. I put on my weapon pouches and bandages, finally pulling on my knee high black ninja sandal boots.

I made my way to the kitchen. I ate the pancakes that Scorpius made, him back in snake form around my neck, and jogged to the bridge meetup point. When I got there everyone was standing around awkwardly, Sasuke and Naruto glaring at each other, and poor Sakura just trying to have smalltalk. "Hey guys! Good morning." All three looked at me, Sakura and Naruto muttering quiet hellos and Sasuke giving a nod. I sat on the railing, closing my eyes and relaxing. Guess what day it is? PANDA DAY! Yea but don't make yourself a target okay, that'll only make things harder. Whatever I need to let my sweet baby know that I'm here for him and that I love him, in a um, friend way. I wish you and I luck then.

"Hey, guys. Good morning," Kakashi said finally appearing. Woah he stole my line. "Sorry, I'm late. Afraid I got lost on the path of life." As Sakura and Naruto screamed I simply grinned excited.

"Sure is a twisting and confusing path isn't it." After both Naruto and Sakura relaxed we began to have a chill little meeting.

"I'm ready for the next ninja mission, sensei. And hey, come on. No more of this dumb beginner stuff, okay? I want a chance to prove myself. I'm talking a real mission, where I could show what I'm made of. Aah! I gotta break out and burn it up! See?" We all took a moment to see the mental fire spewing from Naruto.

"Soon, Naruto be patient all right. Every mission happens for a reason. There is no such thing is a pointless way for a ninja to spend time," I said looking to Kakashi.

"Uh, right. I get it. That's great, Naruto. Now take it easy, would you?" At Kakashi's words, Naruto turned around to glare at Sasuke, growling. This is turn caused Sakura to glare a Naruto. Sasuke just stared blank faced and I felt myself giggle, dropping to the floor in a criss cross sitting position. Naruto then screamed believe it, making me full on laugh as everyone looked to me instead of him.

"Let us know when you're done fantasizing, Naruto, so we can start the mission, all right?"

"Could you not be so annoying, Naruto, just for once?" Sakura asked truly done with Naruto's antics. We made our way to a lady's house. We all started to weed her garden. It was really easy, actually, and peaceful compared to the last mission, and yet. I looked over to see Naruto being reprimanded by a woman.

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