Chapter 6 ~ Assigned to a Team

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I woke up early this morning. As I was getting dressed I remembered something very important. "Scorpius guess what," I was putting my headband on, "this is the day when Naruto accidentally kisses Sasuke. We have to get there early so I can have a front row seat!" My eyes were sparkling with happiness while Scorpius just sweatdropped.

"It's also the day you're assigned to a team, aren't you nervous?" He said sighing a bit.

"Nope. I'm not worried at all. You said it yourself, you want me to unlock my kekkai genkai while I'm training with team Kakashi. You seem to know everything, so I'll just assume you're correct about that too," I answered walking into the kitchen with Scorpius slithering behind me. I grabbed an orange and peeled it. As I was eating, Scorpius went up onto the table then settled himself around my neck. I finished and headed to the academy. When I got in the classroom I was so early that only Sasuke was there. Hm... can I just sit next to him? That's not too weird right? Well you wanted a front row seat so here's your chance, hurry up because I can sense people coming.

I walked over to wear he was sitting and let myself fall into the chair beside him. He look up from his think position. "Hi Sasuke, I hope you don't mind that I sat here. It's just, there's something that's gonna happen, and I just want to be able to see it," I explained.

"Hn," he went back to thinking as more people came in. Soon almost everyone was here, even Naruto was here before Sakura and Ino. I heard rushing footsteps as the two burst into the classroom. As I heard them bickering I saw Naruto look at Sakura and start blushing. Poor Naruto, Sakura treats him so rudely. I sighed as Sakura roughly shoved him out of the way.

"Good morning, Sasuke." Sakura blushed as she spoke, then looked at me and glared a little. I sweatdropped as Sasuke looked over at here. "Mind if I sit next to you?"

"Back off Forehead. I'm sitting next to Sasuke." Ino glared at Sakura and I.

"I was here first."

"I walked into the classroom before you did. Everybody saw it."

"Dream on." All the other fangirls started swarming and Scorpius and I sweatdropped even more. I saw Sasuke go back to thinking once more before looking at me. I got a little confused but I went back to watching the fangirls. I then remembered about the crystal watching Sasuke and smiled. I lunged myself over to Sasuke before sticking out my tongue and pointing finger guns in the correct direction. Sasuke looked a little surprised at what I was doing, not to mention confused, but he didn't seem to mind it the much. I must've accidently bumped into Sasuke or something because I could've sworn they got more angry then they were before.

I looked as Naruto hopped onto the desk in front of Sasuke. It begins, I thought trying not to laugh. I heard the fangirls screaming at Naruto as the two boys in front of me were growling at each other. I saw a lightning bolt go at each others foreheads as the fangirls yelling became even loudly and harder to understand. I saw as all the fangirls immediately stopped bickering, and the thing before me was true art.

I burst out laughing and fell off my chair. I went to the point of actually rolling on the floor holding my stomach with tears coming out of my eyes. Their lips separated as Sakura started screaming again. I got off the floor too see both Naruto and Sasuke gagging. I walked over to the desk and leaned over to Naruto. The one word I said must've sent shivers down his spine as his eyes were wide open.

"Run," I whispered while still chuckling a little bit. Naruto started running as all the fangirls chased after him. I looked at Sasuke and then leaned to his ears. "I ship it," I said as he started gagging again. Iruka sensei came into the room.

"As of today, you are all ninjas. To get here, you faced difficult trials and hardships. But that's nothing. What comes next will be far more difficult. Now you're only genin, first level ninjas. All the genin will be grouped into squads. Since we have an extra student that came late, we will have groups of three with an exception of one four man squad. Each of the squad will be led by a jounin, an elite ninja." As Iruka finished I heard Ino and Sakura talking about who would be on Sasuke's group. I heard Sasuke sigh next to me, probably inner monologuing, but I can't say anything. 

Iruka began listing teams. Eventually he got to team Kakashi. "Squad seven. Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno," Naruto cheered and Sakura grimaced, "Sasuke Uchiha," Naruto and Sakura switched expressions, "and (y/n) Rozu." By now Naruto was happy again, Sakura looked a little annoyed but happy nonetheless, and Sasuke was expressionless of course. I stopped listening as I already knew all of the other teams.

"Iruka sensei. Why does a great ninja like me have to be in the same group with a slug like Sasuke?" Naruto shouted out as soon as he was done.

"Hm. Sasuke had with best scores of all the graduating students with (y/n) following right after. Naruto, you had the worst scores. To create a balanced group, we put the best students with the worst student," Iruka explained. I was shocked by my standings but happy. Naruto groaned as Sasuke spoke.

"Just make sure you don't get in my way, loser," Sasuke said calmly.

"Hey, what did you say?" Naruto yelled out angrily.

"Hard of hearing?" Scorpius, is it wrong if I almost laughed at that? I need a vacation. Hey!

"Knock it off Naruto, sit down!" Sakura yelled at Naruto as Iruka cleared his throat.

"After lunch you'll meet your new jounin teachers. Until then, class dismissed."

"Hey Shika can I sit with you during lunch?" I asked calmly. He nodded as we walked to where Ino and Choji were. "Hi guys what's up?" Ino groaned and Choji just continued eating. Ino started talking about being the leader while I just smiled and waited patiently.

"Huh?" Shikamaru made a sound of confusion.

"What's wrong Shika?" I asked as he just pointed to Naruto sneaking on the roof. I laughed as I saw Naruto jump into the room with Sasuke. Sasuke eventually emerged and I just smiled knowing what really happened. I said my goodbye as I made my way into that room the long way. I opened the door and saw Sasuke tied up on the floor. He looked up at me as I just shook my head and smiled. "Thank me later. But now since you're on my team know that I'll have your back," I cut the rope and walked out of the room before he could say anything.


As the Hokage and jounin were looking at the glass ball they were all chatting amongst themselves. The ball went on Sasuke and they all quiet down. "Most promising new student Sasuke Uchiha. Is that him?" One man spoke up.

"Yes he's the one," the hokage spoke out.

"He's the only survivor left from the Uchiha Clan," a women added. As she spoke someone else appeared on the ball, bumping into Sasuke as she did. She was looking directly at the ball with her tongue sticking out. She was making finger guns. Everyone looked stunned as the man from before spoke.

"Who's that?" He asked still surprised at the girl knowing where they were.

"That is our newest student, (y/n) Rozu. She came only a week ago and passed the exam with barely any lessons. She even used a jutsu that is advanced for her age to pass, water clones," the hokage spoke, now less surprised. The man made a 'hm' sound as the ball passed onto a group of fangirls and boy that was pushed aside.

(1350 Words including the bonus! (y/n) is now on team Kakashi what will happen next, stay tuned! Okay so I added that little bonus since I thought it would be funny to see how all the jounin and hokage would react if someone were to do that. I hope you enjoyed it.)
[I would like to shoutout ravengirl_1234. She is such a sweet person. You should definitely follow her and check out her book "How to Cope". It's interesting and I think that if you are struggling with something, this wonderful girl could definitely help you out.]

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