Chapter 6: Training Tamaki!

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It's time for Tamaki to reveal the full extent of his awesome quirk. But there will be some setbacks. Enjoy!

Despite Tamaki's shy nature you managed to get him to trade numbers with you so you two could set up a day to train together. He gave you his number, the tips of his pointy ears turning a bright red as he did.

You just wondered if you would ever have some free time to train with him. U.A. High was officially kicking your butt, with all of the physical training not to mention the homework! Trying to be a hero was hard enough, they shouldn't add homework to the list.

But you hunkered down and managed to finish your work by Saturday, which meant Sunday would be the day for you two. You were completely exhausted, your writing hand even felt a bit sore. Flopping down on your bed, you fished your phone from out of your pocket, going to your texts to see if Tamaki was free tomorrow.

Hey Tamaki I don't have anything going on tomorrow wanna train at the U.A. gyms?  

In no time, Tamaki texted back a short reply.

Sounds good I will meet you at 11?


You smiled at your phone screen, your heart already racing with excitement at the thought of being able to spar with Tamaki again. You squished your face into your pillow, suppressing a quiet giggle. But your sister had ears like a hawk.

"You better not be laughing cause of a boy!" she shouted from her room across the tiny hallway that separated you two. You picked your head up from your pillow, rolling your eyes as you did.

"No it's not like that--"

"Uh-huh, ok." she said, ending the conversation right then and there.

She doesn't know what she's talking about! She's still too young, you thought as you stared at the ceiling from your bed. Tamaki probably doesn't even think about that kind of stuff anyway... 


You left your house at around ten thirty, hoisting your green duffel bag over your shoulder. It contained some of your exercise equipment, including a change of clothes just in case you burned off the clothes you were wearing.

At least I'm not like embarrassing that must be to have your clothes fall off all the time!  

As you walked down the road to U.A. you thought about Tamaki and what his quirk could possibly be. You knew he utilized some octopus tentacles, so was it a sort of shape-shifting? Could he shape-shift into different animals at will?

If he could shape-shift, that could pose a real problem for you and your explosive quirk.

I'll have to make good use of my defensive force fields, not my offensive force fields, you thought as you rounded the corner and walked down the street U.A. was on. Your phone vibrated in your bag, and you guessed that it was just Tamaki saying he was here already.

U.A. was very quiet and peaceful, which made you see the school in a new light. This was the school of heroes. And you were here to spar.

Aaaah! Ok...I need to calm down. Tamaki might think I'm lame if I seem too excited!

You walked up to the U.A. training gym and used your school ID to open the huge double doors. You could hear Tamaki shuffling around the gym before you saw him. When your eyes landed on him you were caught by surprise. He was stretched out on the floor barefoot, one leg sticking straight out while his arms kept his feet behind his head. It looked like some sort of advanced yoga technique to you.

Tamaki Amajiki x Reader: The Pursuit of HappinessWhere stories live. Discover now