Chapter 29: Morning

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I just wanna say thanks for all the kind comments recently it has been super encouraging! Anyway let's get into the chapter (pretty much fluff). Enjoy!

"Oooo y/n! And Tamaki! What in the world is happening here hmmm?" Mirio's cheery voice yanked the both of you out of deep sleep and Tamaki instinctively wrapped his arms around your body to prevent you from falling off the bed.

"M-Mirio? What are you doing here...isn't it...wait what time is it!?" Tamaki asked his friend frantically, his black eyes scanning the room for a clock. Mirio smiled at him and laughed a few times.

"It's eight o'clock sharp you two! Yesterday went and passed, so let's see...Tamaki you said that you were going to see y/n yesterday so you two have been here all night." Mirio stated. "I guess Recovery Girl let you guys do that since you're in her office."

"D-Don't get the wrong idea Mirio...we weren't doing anything...u-um like that." you quickly said. Mirio smiled at you like he thought for sure you were lying.

"Well what I don't understand is why were you two here in the first place? Did something happen?"

You and Tamaki stayed silent when he said that. Tamaki sighed and you could almost feel his heart rate increase. You guessed that he had never lied to Mirio before and this was one hell of a secret to keep! 

Did Recovery Girl only tell Tamaki about what happened to me because she knows we're dating? That must mean U.A. is trying to keep this whole ordeal quiet which makes sense...don't worry Tamaki, I'll handle this.

"No nothing happened, we're both fine. I was just helping Recovery Girl as payback for how much she helped me during the Sports Festival, then Tamaki showed up. Guess we lost track of time!" you explained, desperately hoping that your lie was believable enough. Mirio's blue orbs scanned your face before he smiled widely.

"Oh that makes sense! Sorry I couldn't visit either, I was busy training with Nighteye! I wanna improve faster but it's pretty difficult haha!"

"You'll be fine have the potential to be so much stronger." Tamaki said, removing his arms from your body so he could get off the bed. "I guess it's time for class right y/n?"

"Then let's go!" Mirio exclaimed, bounding hurriedly to the door. He almost smacked right into it but decided not to phase through it at the last second, so he opened it and didn't look back to see if you two were following him.

"Well you heard him..." Tamaki said.  He seemed way more calm than usual, but you assumed that he just putting on a brave face for you and Mirio. You rolled off the bed too and walked closer to Tamaki, your hand brushing against his for a split second. "You ok?" you whispered.

"Mmhmm...I-I need to do this to protect you, because I really love you. So don't worry about me, this situation is about you. Not me." he said softly, giving you a reassuring smile. He tenderly took your hand in his while you nodded your head in understanding.

"Thank you Tamaki. I'm grateful to have someone like you after what happened...I really love you too."


"Hey you two we're gonna be late for class!!" Mirio shouted loudly from down the hallway, making you and Tamaki burst out laughing.

"Guess we should go." you said, still chuckling quietly.


Tamaki Amajiki x Reader: The Pursuit of HappinessWhere stories live. Discover now