Chapter 14: True Nature

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I hope this fight is everything you all hoped for! Enjoy!

"Y/N DELIVERS A HARD BLOW TO TAMAKI! AAAAND IT'S A GOOD ONE...BUT I CAN'T SEE A THING NOW CAUSE OF THE DARN SMOKE!" Present Mic reported loudly from the announcers box. He might not be able to see anything from the announcers box but it was a different story for you and Tamaki. You two could see each other perfectly. 

And it was not a pretty sight.

In your mind this fight had lasted for hours, but in reality it had only been a few minutes since you both had started. But the physical toll of the short fight was starting to put a strain on your body.

You were becoming extremely dizzy from quirk overuse and Tamaki was sweating straight through his slightly torn gym clothes. You went on the offensive and he turned his hand into clam shell and swung it near your face. You made a small force field around your head that protected you, but you could feel your eyes start to close involuntarily.  "Tamaki..."

Damn it! I won't let it end like this...I won't...

"Y/n...we should stop...I-I can't do this! I thought I could but I can't! I don't want to hurt you y/n please I should just forfeit--"

"NO!!" you shouted at the top of your lungs, forgetting your exhaustion for just a short moment.  Tamaki flinched back in surprise at your outburst. "I need this Tamaki...I need to feel challenged! Please...or else I'll start to feel like crap because you forfeited on something that you really wanted to do!"

"I don't--"

"You do! You do want to be a hero! Even if it goes against your shy nature...your true still need to strive to be a hero Tamaki. So please...fight me now! No holds barred!!" you screamed at the black haired boy. His eyes looked frightened, but you could tell that he was trying to push his intense fears down.

You gave him your most winning smile and he visibly gritted his teeth together. "I-I'll try!!" Tamaki shouted back, his black eyes narrowing with determination. He looked down at the ground, his eyebrows furrowed in concentration. Suddenly he screamed out in what seemed like pain before hanging his head low. You wondered what he was doing, but you decided to go on the offensive.

You barged towards him just as he launched a huge tentacle right at you. He managed to form five huge tentacles that were longer than school buses. They were bigger than anything you had ever seen him create before...he was definitely pushing himself past his limits!

The adrenaline ran hot in your body but you stood frozen in awe at Tamaki's skill over his quirk.

"WOAH!! Look at those ladies and will y/n evade those tentacles!?" Present Mic shouted. this!

You ducked down and pressed your hands to the concrete ground, your mind slowing down so you could really concentrate.

I just need a few seconds...hopefully this'll work!

A large force field began to form where your hand was, pushing your hand upwards. It expanded quickly until it was the size of a large van. It effectively shielded you from Tamaki's attack but it was also your last ditch effort at a counterattack; you were too exhausted at this point. You created a small force field around your body and covered your ears.

Now, blow up!!

In a flash of light, your giant force field exploded which such force that it created a huge updraft that blew past the people watching from the stands and almost made them fly out of their seats. Tamaki wrapped himself in his tentacles in an effort to shield himself but it was no use.

From what you could see, he was blown back pretty far away you just couldn't be sure if your plan had actually worked.

C'mon Nezu! What's going on? 

"....Tamaki Amajiki is pushed out of bounds! Y/n is the victor!" He announced. The crowd went wild but you were too tired to even focus on their cheers.

You de-activated your quirk and the force field around your body diminished.

"N-Need a hand y/n?"

Tamaki's quiet voice rang clear despite the noise from the audience and you couldn't be happier to see he was unhurt. He leaned down and offered his hand to you, which you took without a second thought. "Thanks Tamaki. I'm sor--"

"Don't apologize. It was a great that you won fairly. I'll be able to watch you from the stands now! It'll definitely be more relaxing than actually fighting." Tamaki said, making you chuckle softly.

"Yeah I'm sure it will be. Thank you, you're really amazing." you said, giving his hand a gentle squeeze. "I'm glad I got to see you really go past your limits."

"Ah, I did way better than I expected h-honestly. And if I had to lose to anyone...I'm glad it was you y/n." Tamaki said, his face burning red. "C-Can we go now...I wanna lose the crowd for a bit."

"Sure." you said, loosening your grip on his hand so you both could walk out of the stadium together.

"C-Can we...can we still hold hands though?" He asked you suddenly. He looked so just had to nod your head in consent. You had vowed to be his support system and holding his hand felt nice...surprisingly nice.

He gripped your hand tightly and you two walked out of the large stadium, your heads held high. The stress of the first battle was over and now it was time to look to the future! 

Tamaki Amajiki x Reader: The Pursuit of HappinessWhere stories live. Discover now