Chapter 1

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"Scared" The Sequal to "Cute"



"Mrs. Kamiya?" Davis asked, while still in Tai's embrace.

"Yes, Davis?" she said in return

"I think I changed my mind I think I will stay for dinner" he said

"That's fine Davis" she stated simply, happiness evident in her voice. T

hey walked out of Tai's room, hand in hand.

When they reached the living room, Davis pulled his hand away from Tai's like it was on fire.

Tai looked down at Davis.

"What's wrong, Dai?" he asked with concern, and scared that he had changed his mind.

Davis looked up at Tai with worry.

"Your family..." he stated simply.

Tai looked confused.

"What about them?" he asked.

"They might not like the idea that your dating a guy....and are you" he whispered where only Tai could hear.

Tai was about to correct Davis when his mom walked in, and over to the pair.

They both looked at her, she smiled back at both of them and gave them both a hug at the same time.

"I'm so happy for you, Tai" she stated, happiness evident in her voice.

"Thanks mom" he said back.

Davis, confused, asked

" don't..umm...mind...?" Tai's mom looked confused, then smiled at him.

"Now why in the world would I mind that my son is in love?" she asked.

Tai blushed.

He hadn't exactly told Davisi that he was, utterly, and madly in love with him.

Davis looked at Tai.

"L...Love?" he questioned with confusion.

Tai just nodded his head and turned a deeper shade of red.

This conformation made Davis advert his eyes to his shoes and blush a deep red.

After dinner, Kari had gone over to a friend's house, and Tai's mom and dad went out to a movie, which left Davis and Tai alone.

They were both sitting near each other on the couch watching some show.

Davis looked a little nervous, to say the least, about being there alone with Tai.

Tai had noticed this, and didn't make a move to sit closer or cuddle or anything.

The show went off so Tai decided to start up a conversation.

"Dai...?" he started out, using his nickname for Davis.

After all the silence the sudden sound made Davis almost jump off the couch.

"Y...yea..?" he asked trying to catch his breath from being scared.

"Are you...nervous" Tai asked slowly.

Davis was shocked, to say the least.

"What? No tai...why would you think that?" he asked confused and trying to hide the fact that he was actually nervous.

Not just around Tai, but he didn't like to be left alone with one person.

Not guys anyway.

"You just look nervous is all" Tai said simply.

"Oh...well I guess I kind of am...I'm not used to this..." Daivis said revealing only part of the reason he was nervous.

Tai smiled at him "Neither am I, Dai" he stated reassuringly.

"I don't know how to do're my first...well...anything...." Davis admitted, he looked down embarrassed, even though that wasn't the whole truth.

Tai looked at him wide eyed.

"So..that back there was your first kiss with a guy?" Davis shook his head.

Tai got a little jealous but let it go when he heard Davis speak

"First kiss...ever..." he stated, and blushed more.

"Oh, Dai, you should have told me I would have made it a whole lot better for you." Tai said sadly.

"No!It was amazing I loved it!" he said flailing his hands around for affect, then he realized what he had just said, and looked down and blushed.

Throughout this whole conversation they had moved closer to one another.

Tai reached out and lifted Davis' chin so their eyes met.

He leaned in and pressed his lips firmly against Davis'.

Davis closed his eyes.

Tai, knowing this was a first for Davis, tentatively let his tongue touch Davis' lips, asking for entrance.

Davis gasped, Tai took that as an okay to go on, but was terribly mistaken.

He put his tongue in Davis' mouth.

Davis Launched backwards pushing Tai off of him.

"Davis? What's wrong?" Tai asked with concern, and hurt.

"No...Nothing..." Davis said as a tear fell down his cheek.

Tai got up and started to approach Davis.

He cringed away.

Tai retracted his hand and looked hurt.

"I'm sorry Tai." Davis said as if it were natural to say sorry for everything.

"What for Dai?" Tai asked confused.

"I shouldn't have pushed you, I'm so sorry. Please forgive me." He said with fear.

Tai was shocked

"Dai what's the matter?" he asked totally concerned.

Tai reached for him again.

He cringed again, Tai kept his hand there though.

He heard Davis whisper "Please don't hit me Tai..." he pleaded.

Tai looked shocked and hurt that Davis would even think he would hit him for that, or even hit him in the first place.

"Dai, I would never hit you" he urged.

"Ever" he added.

Davis seemed to come out of his daze and realized what was going on, and where he was.

He flung himself on Tai and Cried into his shirt.



Scared! (Sequel to Cute)Where stories live. Discover now