Chapter 3

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DISCLAIMER!: I do not own this in any way! :'(

Chapter 3

His dad squeezed his face tighter then threw him to the floor with a big crash as beer cans went flying.

Davis whimpered in pain, his dad walked to the closet and extracted a leather, rhinestone studded belt.

Davis' eyes grew with fear, and they watered up.

"Dad, please no..." he begged silently, where his dad couldn't hear him.

He knew if his dad heard him that the punishment would be ten times worse than it already was going to be.

By the time his dad made it back over to him, he was shaking with fear.

His dad grabbed him by the back of the shirt and hoisted him up.

He swung the belt back and swung hard in the direction of Davis.

Davis cried out in pain as the belt hit him square in the back, repeatedly.

His dad dropped him to the floor, and slapped him one more time, hard on the cheek.

"Now get out of my sight!" his dad bellowed.

Davis picked himself up and stumbled to his bedroom.

He removed his clothes quickly, and put on a pair of pajamas, and crawled into bed.

He forced his eyes to stay shut.

After about twenty minuets, he drifted into a restless sleep.

The next morning he woke up groggily and looked over at the clock, after wiping the sleep from his eyes, the big red numbers blinked 7:45.

He bolted out of bed and to the dresser to find something to wear, he just chose jeans and a t-shirt.

He grabbed underwear and socks from another drawer and bolted into the bathroom.

He started the hot water, and made sure to lock the door.

He began to peel his slightly bloody pajamas off.

He winced in pain as he pulled the shirt over his head as it stuck to his back, and turned and looked at his back in the mirror, his soft tan back, that was already adorned with many scars, was joined by three fresh cuts that started at his shoulder blade and made there way down his lower back.

He winced at the sight of the cuts, they weren't deep but they looked horrible from the dried blood that was stuck to him.

By the time he was done undressing the hot water was steaming up the bathroom mirror.

He stepped into the shower, as the stream of steaming hot water hit his back, he hissed in pain, and placed his hand on the opposite side of the shower and rested his head against it, eyes shut tightly in pain.

After the initial pain the shower actually relaxed his aching muscles.

He kept the shower short, remembering that he was late.

He stepped out and slipped his clothes on.

He towel-dried his hair and just let it go all spiked out, as usual, he brushed his teeth, and sprayed on some cologne, to get rid of the beer smell.

He opened the bathroom door slowly, he peeked his head out to make sure that his dad was nowhere to be found, once he was satisfied he opened the door slowly and stepped out and dashed across the hall to his room and shut the door silently.

He scrambled to get his books, and papers into his backpack, he knew that if he didn't hurry he would not only be late, but his dad would also wake up , thinking that he skipped school or something.

He slung his backpack onto his back and opened his door and shut it silently again.

He dashed down the stairs and out the door and shut the door quietly.

He ran down the side walk so that he wouldn't be late.

He saw that Tai was also lat because in his mad dash he hit something solid and landed on his back on the ground, he winced in pain, tears welling up in his eyes, and him doing all he could to keep them from falling.

"Davis!" Tai said in shock

"Are you alright?" he asked concern evident in his voice.

All Davis could do was nod his head yes.

Tai reached out a hand to help him up, which Davis took willingly.

Tai tried to help him clean himself up/

He brushed a hand down Davis' back to get the dirt off, Davis bit his lip hard, and hissed in pain.

Tai noticed this and was concerned.

"Davis? Did you really hit the ground that hard?" Davis said

"No, Tai, I'm fine, we should get to school"

Tai looked at his watch in shock.

He nodded a yes to Davis and they both took off in the same direction.

"This is going to be a long day." Davis thought as he looked over at his idol-turned-crush.



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