Enter: Y/N Namikaze!

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A/N: Yes I know, my writing won't be perfect but bare with me!
Story line: You're Naruto's older sister! Minato's and Kushina's first child. Things may change from the original so bare with me! (Sounds trash already lmfao)

A/N= Author's Note
Y/n= Your Name

But you already know what they mean by now. it's also my first fanfic SOOOOOO YEEETUS THIS FANFICUS

"What should we name her?" The red haired kunoichi asked softly.

She was holding a very small baby, with little brown baby hairs. The baby also had two whiskers on each cheek.

"How about... Y/N Namikaze" The Yellow haired man asked as he held you in his arms. That's right your father is The Yellow Flash of the Lead village and your mother? Well... The Red Hot Japenaro of course! Two strong parents! What more can you ask for?

>>6 years passed<<

((((You are now six years old, your parents taught you at home instead of the academy. Why? They thought that you weren't ready for the real world and to protect yourself yet, they're just some worried parents you know? You did all of their lessons well, you were just like your father when he was a child. Also a mischievous one like your mother!))))

As y/n was helping her mother with the lunary, she couldn't help ,but ask her mother a question that she thought for a long time.

"Mom?" Y/n shyly asked.

"Yes Y/N?" Kushina smiled.

"Why can't I go there. Go to the academy like the other kids? I could have a friend, or just no friends, I just want to go to the academy please?" Y/n's face formed into a sad puppy look.

Kushina laughs nervously,"Well... umm... let's ask your father when he gets home!" She assured as she scratched behind her head.

"Okay mama" y/n said disappointedly. The afternoon came and dinner was getting ready. y/n help prepared the table as her father gets home. The front door cracked loudly and slowly, a tired sigh was heard. Y/n snapped her head to the direction and ran to the door to welcomed her father.

First Person
As I ate mama's cooking, I was waiting for the best time to ask my father about the academy. As soon as father was taking a sip of his water.

I suddenly blurred out, "Dad! I want to go to the academy! Just- Just like the other kids!" He spit out his drink. He was coughing hard. Mama tried to calm his cough down. They both looked at me in shock.
"Please?" I quietly spoke. The room went silent.

>>Third person<<
The conversation then began while y/n went to her room.

"Maybe we should let her go to the academy Kushina..." The yellow haired man laughs nervously, "it's time for her to get real lessons, real friends, and real missions soon or maybe even now."

Kushina looks doubtful at him,"But I don't want her to have a bad reputation like I did minato," she said softly, "I don't want her to get bullied or beat up." She looks worried at Minato.

"Come on Kushina," he smiled brightly, "its Y/N, our child! Our first born child! You think she can't take care of bullies herself? She's strong and you know that! Who knows maybe she won't have a problem with no one." He was smiling with his eyes close with his teeth showing, he gave her a big thumbs up.

Kushina was in tears of joy, "Your right! Y/N will be going to the academy the next day after tomorrow! She'll kick some ass y'know!" She smiles and hugs her husband tightly. They celebrated a little.

>>the next day<<

First person
I was really disappointed, I felt like giving up on asking to go to the academy. Why do I even try?

"Y/n!!" My mother yelled. I ran from the backyard to the kitchen, I was a really fast kid if I do say so myself.

"Yes mama?" I asked with no motivation.

"We need to talk" I suddenly got worried. Did I do something bad? Did I really went too far last night? Oh man I was really gonna get it this time.

"About the academy..." she said sadly.

Oh man, I'm never gonna get it in this rate! What did I do? What did I do? I said mentally.

I also was mentally hitting my head to a table...
"yeah what about it?" I spoke sadly, I was about to cry, no joke.

do I feel water on my cheeks? Do you see me crying?

"... YOU GOT IN Y'KNOW!" Showing me a paper from the academy.

I fell off the chair, oh man did I doubted myself like that? I stayed on the floor for a minute not knowing if I should be happy that I got in, or mad at myself for thinking of the worse/ being to gullible for my mothers acting. (I should be used to this.)

"What!? How!?"

"Well your father and I thought it would be best for you; getting ready for the real world y'know?" I teared up, not because of sadness but because of joy. The two of us jumped and held hands. Today was a good day.

A/N: So yeah idk why I put brown hair, I was going to put her hair as red(BECAUSE YOU KNOW IT MAKES SENSE) but I thought of this character with brown hair. I didn't want this to be a OC x Kakashi fanfic tbh. I didn't see this story like that.

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