Might Die

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"We're almost home!" Naruto yelled.
"Hell yeah!" I high fived Sasgay.
"Say Sasuke mind if you get off?" He jumped off and looked the other way.
"Thanks y/n" he blushed. Why doesn't he give any emotions?

I walked fast and was in front of the group. we passed the guards I stopped and stretched.

"Ahhhh, can't wait to go to the springs and relax-" I suddenly felt dizzy and not well.
I hear a ring in my ear, it's the poison isn't it?

Sakura's POV
We all laughed. Y/n sensei stayed quiet. She fell to her face.

"Y/n sensei!?" We all yelled. Kakashi ran up to her and checked her pulse. He looked serious and turned around to us and smiled.

"She's probably tired hehe, you guys go home and rest up! I'll take care of y/n. Don't worry!"

Kakashi sensei picked her up bridal style and was headed to the hospital, she looked quite pale. Is she really okay?

"Sakura! Come on!" Naruto yelled.
"Aren't you guys a little worried for y/n sensei?" I asked.
"Yeah, but Kakashi sensei said she'll be fine! She's also strong, don't forget about that!" That has given me a little comfort.
"Naruto's right, she'll be fine!" Sasuke spoke.
"Oh Sasuke!" I blushed.

Third Person
"You didn't get all the poison out did you?" Kakashi spoke quietly. He ran as fast as he could.

"I need a doctor right now or she'll die!!" He yelled. Three doctors got y/n off of my arms and placed her on the hospital bed. They ran to a room.

She'll be okay, right? Kakashi asked himself.

"Who is this?" The doctor inquired.

"Y/n Namikaze chef!"

"Back again huh? It's been a long time..." he spoke, "examine her very carefully, we want her to be alive and well! Get in place!" He ordered


After hours and hours, they finally figured out what's wrong with y/n. The poison from Nora's sword was spreading quicker than y/n thought.

"Dear god! I thought this type poison is a myth! She'll die at this rate!" A nurse spoke.

The doctor sweated, "she won't die if we put this breathing mask on her and give her this remedy once every week," he looked a the pale suffering body, "the mask will allow her to breath well, the remedy will allow her to stay alive for a while. The one and only one who can save her now is... Lady Tsunade."

When the doctor was done he ordered nurses to change y/n in hospital clothes. When the nurses were done, they put the mask on y/n. The room was so quiet and dark. There's a fifty fifty chance she'll die, but will she?

"Kakashi Hatake?" The doctor called. Kakashi was the only one in the waiting room, he looks quite tired.

"Doctor!" He tiredly yelled.

"Y/n is fine," Kakashi sighed in relief, "for now, we don't know what will happen to her, but we'll try and keep her with us! They only one who can save her now is Lady Tsunade." The Chef doctor explained.

"I see," Kakashi said disappointedly.

The doctor patted his shoulder, "Rest up Kakashi, I'm sure she doesn't want you to worry about her this much. Also don't you have a team of genin? Aren't you suppose to encourage them to sign up for the Chunin Exams?"

"Right! Right." He remembered.

"Leave the worrying to us! Don't stress yourself too much." The doctor lead kakashi to the exit.

"Thanks doc-" the doctor had left.

As kakashi walked back to his apartment he noticed the team were hanging out.

"Kakashi sensei!" Naruto waved.
"Is y/n sensei alright?" Sakura's asked worriedly. Kakashi didn't know what to say.
"Uh, let's meet at the bridge tomorrow, I have to announce somethings." He walked passed them.

"Yeah, you better not be late!" They all looked annoyed.
Kakashi pretend to didn't hear, he just laughed away.

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