Y/n's Past

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A/N: This chapter is pretty long, but it's worth it, trust me! Give me feedback also please! I want this fanfic to be enjoyable.

I looked at kakashi, still sound "asleep" hehe, serves him right for not letting me infuse some one my chakra into him.
I grabbed a chair and I pulled the blankets down to his waist, I waved the jutsu and a green glow appeared.

Kakashi's POV
I was in the dark, it was wet and cold.
Where the hell am I?
A stranger appeared, they were wearing a white cloak and a weird mask.

"You finally came kakashi," they spoke, it was a very deep but feminine voice.

"Who are you? What do you want?" I calmly asked.
"I just want to talk, I am no enemy. At least I hope we're not." I still don't trust them.

"You don't trust me? What did I do to not gain your trust? I have no weapons, I am not a villain, take my hand and see the shinobi life of y/n namikaze."

What does y/n have to do with this? What's going on
"I guess you still don't trust me, I don't blame you." They put their finger to their face. Wind was blowing hard and lighting came apart of it. Damnit. It stopped.

I was on a tree now where the hell am I now.
"Froggy gramps! Look what I can do?"
I looked down to see who it was. Master jiraiya? Young y/n?? What the hell is going on.

"Won't you look at that! You smmound a frog! You'll become a powerful ninja just like me! Princess toad!"
"Yeah no jiraiya, toads are cool but that's just not me. A princess? Never." Young y/n sassily explained.

I couldn't help but chuckle. A hawk flew by.
"Say y/n I have to go now! Be sure to go home and be safe! I don't want to get scolded by your mother if something bad happens to you, you hear?" Young y/n nodded.

They waved each other goodbye. Young yn kept on training with kunais, she was pretty good I'll give her that.

"Hey kid!"

A man came up to her with a kunai in one hand and rope to another. I ran down and tried to stop the man, but I went through him? This can't be! I can't do anything now! Young y/n just stood there.

"what the hell are you doing!? Run!"

I knew she couldn't hear me but I couldn't help it.
She disappeared in the air.

"where the hell did she go?" The man yelled.


She punched him in the side of his head.

"You little brat you think that could stop me-" with out hesitation young y/n stabbed the strange man in the heart. She stood there, not moving a muscle. She fell on her knees and started to weep. I ran up to her.

"did I just killed this man? Is this how it feels?What just happened?"
She was holding her emotions in. She looked up, she had blood on her face and her clothes.

She punched through me to the tree. She ran to the river to wash off the blood off her face.

"Hey y/n! I thought I told you to go home!" Jiraiya laughed. Y/n didn't respond.
"Huh?" He turned y/n around, "boy did it rained? Because your face sure does look-" he saw the blood on her shirt,"so the man over there didn't commit suicide huh?"

"I didn't mean to kill him, I mean he... he had a kunai and a rope, what else was I suppose to do? Is this how the shinobi world is?" Young y/n couldn't stop crying.

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