Cry on my shoulder.

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Harry POV

"Come on Lou , lets go" i said impatiently. We have been shopping all morning and thanks to the beanies and sunglasses only a few fans have spotted us.

"Fine we can go to your store now" he said smiling alittle.

I have no idea what has gotten into Lou lately but i am not complaining. Hes been more himself lately and i think he's starting to forget about El. Yeah he still gets angry and yells at almost all females , including the boys girlfriends but he's been more himself with me and i missed that.

"Finally" i grinned. "Lets go"

"Harry oh my god, do not buy that shirt" louis yelled at me

"Why its nice" i said. My fashion was really nothing like louis's so i didn't expect him to like the shirt in my hand.

"God its hideous" louis smirked. Im glad he was back to telling me i suck at buying clothes.

"Shut up" i smirked. 20 minutes and a couple of very cool shirts later we walked out of my favorite store.

Jasmine POV.

It was 5pm and i was still laying on my back as this man hovered over me. I was tired of this. Tired of this way of life. He slowly sucked on my nipple as i starred at the ceiling.

"Whats gotten into you today" my regular dan asks me.

"Nothing baby your just doing such a good job, I'm speachless" i lied. Sex didn't have a feeling for me. He slowly pressed his fingers into my vagina making me spread my legs.

"You like that don't you" he smiled at me. No i actually didnt.

"Mhmmmm" i fake moaned. I needed to stop this.

"You life cant be that bad" he asked me as he ran his fingers on the cuts that were all over my thighs.

"Baby focus" i said not wanting to talk about my life with this client.

The truth is my life was that bad. The nightmares they came everynight. The fact that i was all alone not wanted by anyone made life so much harder. I had no one not even my mother and father could give me the love i deserved. No one could. Something then clicked inside of me, i needed to change. For me. Tomorrow would be my last client. I cant not show up , because jason told me about it a few days in advance and i agreed. After that I'm done. I wont tell jason because i know he wouldn't let me go, ill just run. Run until i find a place he wont ever find me. Ill get a job a real one, anything to get away from this life.

Harry POV

"Lets go mate" i say as louis starts following me out. But then i don't hear his footsteps behind me. I turn around to see him at a halt mouth wide open in shock. I look at his eyes as he took of his sunglasses tears were building up.

"Louis whats wrong " i say filled with worry. I follow his gaze to find my mouth like louis's wide open in shock. In front of us stood Eleanor. I couldn't even begin to imagine the pain louis was feeling. Not just because in front of us was the love of his life who left him without too much explanation but because of the man standing next her. She stood in his arms kissing this man. How could she. How could she move on so fast while he was broken. My best friend was broken because of her. She looked up and spotted us right away and had the nerve to smile at us and wave. I had to say something but first i had to make sure louis was ok.

"Lou lets go" i whispered turning around to see tears all over his face before he ran.

"Lou , lou" i yelled. I have to go after him but first i needed to give El a piece of my mind.

Louis POV

"Lets go mate" harry says as i follow him out through the food court of the mall.

Something stops me. Someone stops me. Eleanor. Everything just rushes back to me. All the times we spent together. I loved this girl and here she was standing in front of me with another man. I ran. I ran as fast as i could i needed to get out of there. I ran until i bumped into someone after turning into a hidden spot at the mall. I looked up at the familiar face again.

"Ugh not you again" her sweet voice said.

"Shut up" i screamed in her face. "Shut up " as the tears kept rolling on my face , i threw the sunglasses away and sunk down against the wall sobbing. I felt a hand on my shoulder as i looked up confused.

Destiny POV

Here i was at the mall looking for an outfit for my interview. I ran into someone while i dazed out thinking bout the interview. God just my luck. Mr. Asshole again. Why do i keep running into this dude. This time something was different.

"Ugh not you again" i said bitterly.

Shut up" he screamed shaking slightly. "Shut up " I saw tears coming from behind his sunglasses as he slid down the wall and threw them across from him.

Man this guy was broken. I didn't know before why he was so bitter and angry but now i know. He was hurting i just didn't know why. I know this guy was rude and nasty to me but i couldn't leave him here crying alone. He shouldn't be alone. I gently put my hand on his shoulder and he starred up at me confused and i slid down next to him. He didn't say a word just sobbed as i gently rubbed my hand on his back. At first i hesitated but he didn't pull away when i touched him so i kept rubbing his back. What he did next surprised me and I'm sure he surprised himself too. He leaned towards me and rested his head right under my head on my chest. I quickly embraced him as he sobbed harder. I cant believe I'm sitting here hugging Mr. Asshole. I kinda felt bad for this guy. He looked so hurt and for some reason i wanted to take away his pain.

"Thankyou" he said in between sobs.

"No need , you need to know that no matter how dark things seem things will get better" i said quietly as he lifted his head up those brown eyes showing a tint of hope. He starred at me while i got lost in his eyes.

"Louis thank god your okay" i hear from next to us. My eyes meet some green ones.

So his name was Louis. His eyes quickly changed as he got up holding out his hand to help me up as well. Maybe this guy wasn't that bad after all.

"Oh hi I'm harry"

"Hello I'm Destiny" i replied back to harry shaking his hand.

"Well erm, we gotta go " Louis said his red eyes looking down kind of like he was embarrased. Whatever.

"Ok bye" i said walking away. Yeah i just held him while he cried but that doesn't mean I'm in love with the boy.

Louis POV

Destiny. Her name is destiny. The girl i yelled at just walked away. I was still in shock at the moment we just shared. I cried into her shoulder what guy does that? God I'm such a baby. But something felt weird. I knew i was crying because of El but being in this girls arms felt more than comforting. It felt good.

A/N Guys please please please comment and vote. Just talk to me . I have some amazing plans for this story but no one is talking to me!! I just want to know if your liking it so far. What do you think? I love y'all ❤️❤️

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