Who is she?

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Harry's POV

I sat here starring up at the cieling. It was now 11pm and the rest of the boys downstairs. Danielle was over and Liam couldn't have been happier. I wish i had something like that. I mean yeah i am the Harry Styles i could easily get a girlfriend if i wanted too but i wanted something real. Something that wasn't complicated and lets face it almost all women are complicated. I just wanted something simple, someone whose past wasn't out to haunt them. The boys and me have been working really hard on our album and yes I've been having a lot of fun as well but one night stands just aren't living up yo my expectations anymore.

"Harry get your arse down here" i hear the thick irish accent. I slowly make my way downstairs.

"Hey guys" i say "wheres louis ". Noticing the brown haired boy isn't sitting on the couches with the rest of the boys and danielle.

"Thats why we called you down here, he left for the mall like 6 hours ago " Liam says quietly. There goes Liam always trying to fix everything, even though it was one of his greatest qualities sometimes he needed to know people need time.

"We are really worried about him" Niall continued.

I couldn't blame them. Ever since his break up with El things have gone down hill. The light in his eyes just isn't their anymore. We have all tried to get through to him but lately he was spending too much time drunk and alone.

"I know guys" i shook my head. "Im worried too but we have to let him get through this alone, of course we can be here for him but if we push him to much hell only hate us for it".

"Your right " Liam said shaking his head.

At this time the door flew open to reveal a drunk Louis.

"Hey lads" he stumbled in.

"Lou are you drunk" Liam made his way over to louis. This was not going to end well.

"Yes, in fact yes imaaa drunk" slurred louis with the biggest smile. This was the only smile we've seen in a while.

"Come on guys , we gotta find her" he continued. We all looked at him confused.

"Find who Lou" i starred at him.

"We have to find the girl, the one who doesn't know who i am so i can yell in her face and tell her who i am. Who does she think she is harry, who?" He screamed at me a lot more aggravated now.

"Lou your not going anywhere" Liam shouted back sternly. "You shouldn't even be drunk right now"

"Liam your not my daddy, so shut up" Lou spits back really annoyed.

"But your acting like a child , you need to just get over this" Liam says concern filling his eyes.

"Just get over this? GET OVER THIS?" Lou said shocked before he ran out the door.

This was a big mess. The rest of the boys looking at the door where louis just ran out of.

"Just stay here Liam ill go get him" i said. With those words i walked out of the house thinking of something i could say or do to make my best friend feel better.

Louis POV

Just get over this? Was Liam serious right now? I was steaming as i ran down the street. How could he even say that as he stood their next to Danielle all happy. I know he didn't mean it in a wrong way but who was he to tell me that i needed to get over this. He didn't know the pain i felt. The loneliness i felt. I honestly didn't know what to do with out El. He doesn't know what it felt like to give your all too one person and then have them leave you for someone else, because you weren't enough. I wanted more that anything to be enough for her. She was the love of my life.

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