The Secret Princess - The Plan

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Chapter 3 -

       We were required to see the contestants to wish them luck through the games, I saw this as my opportunity to help Amelia. I joined my family as we walked down the line of girls that were going to compete and I almost didn't recognise them. They had all been transformed to look like princesses and future queens, they all had sophisticated outfits on, their hair was tied back or left in waves and they all wore make up. The girls had also been given their own rooms at the other side of the palace where they would stay during the games and eventually there would only be one left. The new queen. I greeted each of the girls in turn and waited for them to bow to me before giving them good luck phrases. I had already looked down the line and was glad Amelia was last as that was my chance. I held my hand out to each of the girls to let them shake it and some felt honoured to be in front of royalty where as the stuck up girls felt as if we should be bowing to them. My mother kept glancing at me trying to draw my gaze but I never met her eyes, I couldn't. My father was beaming of course and he seemed even happier now that I seemed to be taking an interest and behaving when it came to public engagements. The line seemed to go on forever but at last Amelia was next. Before moving onto her I drew my hand close to my body and allowed my hands to cross looking as if I was patiently waiting for my parents to finish with Amelia. I then took my turn to stand in front of her and she was shaking like a leaf. I smiled at her and held my hand for her to take. Her hand met mine trembling and I saw the surprise in her eyes but I gave her a small shake of my head to tell her not to say anything. She pulled her hand from mine and I wished her good luck before moving on, I just hoped that she would get the message. Once we had given our pep talks the girls were then whisked away to start their grueling training which would include combat, etiquette, how to dress and present ones self in the public eye. They would also be expected to know our history and our laws to a fine finesse. I sighed as I watched them go hoping that my crazy plan was going to work. I was so wrapped up in my thoughts that I didn't notice father appear beside me so I jumped when he spoke.

"I have to say Alice, you seemed to come round to the idea of these games and you behaved like a true royal." I smiled up at my father who was still beaming and I was glad that he had noticed my effort even if it was for a different reason.

"Thank you father, I knew that I was being foolish and there was nothing I could do so I just had to accept this was happen with the grace you have taught me." That seemed to be the right answer as he beamed even more if it was possible and brought me into a gentle embrace.

"I am proud of you Alice. I thought you were going to kick up more of a fuss and be stubborn." I shook my head.

"I know that it would get me know where father. I need to show you that I can be a princess and behave like one, I need to be a role model for the kingdom." He gave me a gentle nudge on the shoulder.

"That's my girl." I gave him a grin and watched him walk over to my mother giving her a gentle kiss before taking her hand and leading her from the room with him. I sighed, if he only knew what I was about to do. I felt sorry for him as I was going to cause him pain but I saw no other choice in the matter and had to follow through with the plan.

       "Are you sure you have everything?" Sofia asked me for about the tenth time and I laughed.

"Yes I'm fine, go to bed." Sofia always asked hundreds of times if I needed anything when I was in bed before she left for her own life on the other side of the palace where her parents lived. She smiled at me and started heading for the door.

"Goodnight Alice, sleep well." I smiled as I snuggled down further into bed.

"Goodnight Sofia." She then closed the door behind her and I knew she would be walking down the hall towards her own bed. I waited for what seemed an eternity and knew that she wasn't coming back before pulling off the covers and changing back into the clothes I was wearing earlier and shoving my feet into my slippers. I checked the clock. 10:30pm. I needed to move. I made my way across the room and opened my door slowly and poked my head out into the hall to see if anyone was around. I slipped out of the door closing it quietly behind me before quickly walking down the hall towards the other side of the castle. I kept my hearing on high alert and was grateful that I had been blessed with amazing hearing, I kept going and poking my head round every corner to check the coast was clear before moving down the next hall. I was glad to be finally where the girls rooms were and made sure I got the right one before giving a soft knock at the door and held my breath while I waited. The door then opened quietly and I saw Amelia stood there with tear streaked eyes and held the door open to let me in while giving me a quick bow. I made my way in and sat down on her bed and waited for her to return. She stood in front of me and waited for me to speak.

"I'm glad you got my message Amelia, I want to help you get out if these games." She looked shocked.

"But how can that be even possible?" She stuttered and I smiled.

"We look very similar Amelia , even my father said we could be twins. I want you to go back home to your family and I am going to take your place in the games." She looked even more shocked and sat down next to be and I let the news sink in.

"But our hair colour." I shook my head at her concerns.

"I have a brunette wig that I can wear, I will look exactly like you Amelia." She shook her head again in disbelief.

"Why are you helping me? You will get yourself killed." I shrugged.

"I'm helping you as you don't deserve to lose your life for this, you didn't want this. I want these games to stop and by pretending to be you I can stop the games by revealing my identity before I'm about to be killed or hopefully I will win and show that this has to stop." Amelia just stared at me.

"You would risk your life for mine?" She seemed that she couldn't grasp that the whole point was for me to risk my life.

"Yes Amelia." She shook her head again, I wondered how it handy fallen off.

"Your the princess, I can't let this happen." I took her hand in mine and held it tight and waited until she looked at me.

"Ii am ordering you to let me do this Amelia. If I can protect one person in this kingdom then it deserves to be you and I have full filled my duties as a royal." She looked away and seemed tone thinking. She then turned back to me.

"How will we make the swap?" I smiled, glad that she was finally on board with the plan.

"I will come here tomorrow night with my maid in waiting, I will pretend to be you and she will lead you out of the palace and you have to stay out of sight until the games are over. Go home and stay in doors, do not let your family tell anyone and do not let anyone else see you because if you do, it could be my life you are risking. Do you understand Amelia?" She nodded and I stood up ready to go.

"Swear to me Amelia Bradshaw that you will stay out of sight and mention this to no one other than your family?" She stood up and look full of hope.

"I swear." I nodded.

"I will return here tomorrow night at the same time. Be ready." I turned and left and quickly made my way back to my own room. Once in the comfort of my own bed I lay and thought about what I was doing, I must be really crazy but I understood that it was the only way in which the games would be changed. I started saying my prayers to god asking that he would protect me throughout the games. I was asleep before I could even finish.


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