•Chapter 3•

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The brisk wind hit Anne's red cheeks as she stood on the pier at Dunkirk. She was stood at the front of the cue of the men with the Sergeants because she was a nurse. Men were being brought to her every 2 minutes and Luftwaffe were flying over and bombing every 10 minutes.

She realised soon after she had got onto the beach that she was the only nurse that had gotten of her boat. Her eyes stung from holding back her tears but she knew she had to stay strong for everyone she was trying to help.

She kept waiting for new boats to arrive but a lot were being bombed before they Evan got in sight of Dunkirk.

The drone of planes could suddenly be heard overhead. People began shouting and panicking as the Luftwaffe flew through the sky over them, dropping bombs. Anne ran to the people who had been injured and began to help them.


After hours of being stuck on the beach and having to watch numerous people die, another boat pulled into the dock. Anne was taken onto it, it wasn't as big as the destroyer but she was still nervous about what had happened earlier but she sucked it up, took a deep breath and got onto the boat.

She helped some of the soldiers get onto the boat but she didn't feel comfortable going inside, so instead she stayed on the outside offering food and drink to the men outside.

Every wave made her think of the night before, a night that would scar her forever. Some of her best friends were on that ship.

The thoughts made her sick but she knew these men had seen much worse and she was going to see much worse, because she must live for the others. She had to.

The heard a scream from the side of her as she handed out tea. She looked and one of the men had managed to fall over the side. He, got some reason, didn't have a life jacket on and was splashing around wildly trying to stay above the water.

"For God sake." Anne cursed underneath her breath while she ran for a life jacket. She grabbed one and chucked it over the side for him.

Annoyingly, it didn't land anywhere near him and the boat wasn't stopping even though all of the soldiers had been shouting.

Anne sighed deeply as she realised what she was going to have to do.

She was going to have to jump in.

She climbed over the other side of the railing and tied her jacket around her tightly while she gave herself a pep talk. She then squeezed her eyes shut and jumped of the boat. She heard soldiers shouting after her before she crashed into the water.


The shock hit her as she realised that the water was absolutely freezing. She calmed herself down and then quickly swam over and grabbed the other life jacket. She then began to swim quickly over to the poor soldier who had fallen into the water.

She reached him and helped him put the life jacket over his head. Once it was over his head, she then turned to swim to the boat when she realised something soul crushing.

The boat had left them behind.

The nurse and the sailor|| Peter Dawson•DunkirkWhere stories live. Discover now