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pour a river of hemlock into the valleys of your heart: or allow the rope to be the guest that brings forth your death

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pour a river of hemlock into the valleys of your heart:
or allow the rope to be the guest that brings forth your death.

are you thoroughly insane?

do you not realize that the fluid is leaking from the corners
of your brain now that you've put your soul into exile;
what did you think? you would survive?

incessantly you oppress, your mind refutes
that's your modus operandi but if you ask me,

you're just thoroughly insane!

stop augmenting your horrors, my dear! you believe
that a trip to the gallows will end it, my dear? no!
it'll torment, it'll persist, it'll never end, my dear!

dismiss your safety and rush into the arms of rebirth,
it's okay to be thoroughly insane.

dismiss your safety and rush into the arms of rebirth, it's okay to be thoroughly insane

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