Chapter One

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Chapter One

Darkness comes from the East and pursues

the last full mage, who shall not have the five magestones, for I,


the mage who ended the War between East and West,

have chosen to scatter the stones to protect her.

One to the East, one to the West, one to the South, one to the North,

and one to the ancient people whose forefathers are older than the sky.

One magestone for each of the Five Foretold, whose fates I have glimpsed.


“The Five Foretold”

Translated excerpt from the lost poetry of Karqala


* * *

Qala of the Five Warring Kingdoms smiled as he watched his mother—and ruler—navigate the obstacles in the annual horsemanship event. She was a lithe, smart woman, the envy of the royal family, and the only woman the rulers of the other four kingdoms would tolerate.

“She was born atop a horse,” Qala’s master-at-arms said, watching in approval. “Though her gift did not pass to her sons.”

“We have other gifts, old man,” one of Qala’s brothers replied with a chuckle. “Mine will be choosing the next ruler of our queendom. Mali’s lies with the quill, and our youngest, Qala’s, gift is with the sword.”

“And who have you chosen, brother?” Qala teased. “The woman with hair like wheat or hair like fire?”

“I would make both queens,” his oldest brother, Noni, replied. “Look at them. I’ve never seen such perfection.”

The three brothers and masters-at-arms looked across the field to the gaggle of women on the other side. Qala took in both women who were preening themselves for a chance to become the next ruler of their lands. They’d struck him as beautiful and vain. To his brothers, who ranked above him in line to the throne and riches, they’d been sweet and strong. To the youngest son—who had no chance at either the throne or the riches—they’d let their true natures show. They were strong women who could fight like men, but the redhead’s temperament was likely to start a war with their neighbors and the blond likely to rob the people of their riches to soothe her vain ways. Born twins to the most powerful House in the West, they had a father who had long ago set his sights on the queendom when Qala’s mother had failed to produce a female heir to the throne.

“And for you, the dark-headed one who fears her own shadow!” Noni said, elbowing Qala.

It was greatly expected Qala would marry the twins’ sister, a meek woman with no backbone and who’d never been able to look him in the eye. While she was beautiful, he felt nothing towards her, not even desire.

“Gods take pity on me,” he replied. “I know my brothers will not.”

“You are headed for the armies either way,” Noni said. “My queen will need your skills at battle.”

“I would prefer battle to a weak wife,” Qala replied.

“Then you are well suited for her. You’ll gladly go to every war my hot-tempered wife starts just to escape.”

Qala agreed silently, his gaze going to the redhead. He’d suspected his brother fancied the redheaded twin, and Noni’s words seemed to confirm it. They’d all looked upon her most favorably. Strong and foolish, she might grow into a wise queen like their mother, once her youthful anger was tempered.

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