Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

Qala sat in his comfortable room in the inn, absently winding the dagger hilt through his fingers. He’d been unable to focus since the strange incident in the stables. He’d felt a connection to the woman with large blue eyes, one he couldn’t explain.

“Qala, come quickly,” Hina said as he flung the door open.

Qala jerked at the words, his dagger landing on the wooden floor with a thud.

“Come, cousin.”

Hina left just as quickly, his excitement palpable. Qala snatched the dagger from the floor. He slung his cloak around his shoulders and pursued, emerging once again from the inn into the night. He’d stepped out once to check the horses after hearing rumors that more than one had gone missing.

Hina was nowhere in sight, and Qala paused in the street. A flash of red drew his gaze. Curious, he stepped in that direction, stopping again in the intersection where he’d seen it. Another red flare came from an alley. He drew a dagger beneath the heavy cloak and pursued, wondering what magic this was. It led him to a short street with nothing but one cottage at its end. Red light glowed from the interior, and someone waited for him in the doorway.

Unafraid, Qala approached, aware there was more magic to this world than he could ever know. He sensed no danger from the shapely woman and knew without a doubt he could face even a danger created by magic.

“You are waiting for me,” he said, stopping before her.

“I am, warrior-prince.”

“Who are you?”

“I am Nesmet, the oracle.”

“I’ve heard your name spoken here. I thought I understood that you only appeared to those who sought you, and I did not seek you,” he said in a level tone. “What do you wish of me?”

Nesmet the oracle smiled. “A warning, my king.”

“Warning?” he asked, drawing another dagger beneath the thick layer of his cloak.

“The woman you seek is here.”

“What do you know of this?” he demanded and took another step closer.

“I know you must leave by dawn. What chases her will come for her then.”

“Where is she? I must find her. I do not even know what she looks like.”

“You will know her by the talisman she carries,” Nesmet said. “A stone.”

“Like mine,” he murmured.

“Just like yours. Identical even.”

“I must find her. Thank you for the warning. We will be gone by dawn,” he said and turned away. He’d gotten two steps when she spoke again.

“Things are not always what they seem in the Great Expanse,” Nesmet added. “The roads change, the cities disappear, people are not the same. Trust your guide.”

Qala turned to study her again, sensing there was much he didn’t yet understand to her warning.

“I will, oracle,” he said.

“Go find her.”

He nodded once then trotted down the street. He reached the intersection near his inn and saw Hina pacing in front. He joined his cousin.

“You moved faster than me for once, cousin,” he teased.

“I am excited, ’tis all,” Hina said with a smile. “Cousin, we found her!”

Elle's Journey (Book I, Foretold Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now