Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

“You say this forest is haunted?”

Lena’s voice woke Elle from the dream she’d had every night since leaving the Eastern Isle. Their escape from the East replayed in the dream, leaving her as baffled and sorrowful as she’d felt that night. So many had been lost. She still didn’t understand what happened, why the whole kingdom hadn’t been evacuated, if the king knew the Darkness was coming. There had been no barbarian prince to meet them when they reached the wharf, and they’d been all but tossed off the ship with what they could carry. The only man waiting for them was a dirty guide named Kerri, who swore he was ordered by the Eastern Isle to take them somewhere safe.

Three full sennights later, they had almost nothing to eat, and nowhere to go.

Elle shook her head to clear her thoughts. Fire crackled, centered among the four of them. The soft rustling of nearby horses and the sway of trees, coupled with exhaustion and hunger, had lulled her to sleep more than once. It was with some effort she ate a meager dinner of bread and dried fruit that Lena passed to her.

“Of sorts,” the man named Kerri answered. One hand rested on his stomach, from where blood seeped. “Minstrels write of invisible men and women warriors who rob and kidnap those who cross through the forest.”

“Invisible?” Elle asked.

“Women warriors?” Lena frowned. “You mean women who fight?”

“Yes, Lena, women who fight, like that demon.” Kerri pointed to Elle’s guardian.

“Not demon. Friend,” the gray-skinned woman spoke haltingly. Large eyes held catlike pupils that had expanded in the dark to swallow most of the white in her eyes.

“Do not be angry, Kelsa.” The man bit off the words. “You’re a useless demon, or I wouldn’t be wounded.”

“Not demon,” Kelsa repeated more softly.

“How are you tonight, Kerri?” Elle asked, irritated at him for blaming the sweet demon for his own stupidity.

“I’ll survive, Elle.”

“You were of little use to us before, and none now.” Lena scowled. “Where is this place you promised to take us and the food you swore—”

“You’re of no use to me, despite your father’s gold!” he retorted.

“Have you forgotten that I am—”

“You are nothing, now that there is no more Eastern Empire. You’ve a title, but no gold or family to back it. You have no home, nothing but the contents of your saddlebag!” Kerri all but shouted.

Lena stared at him as if she might respond then slumped.

“I’m sick of this. Let’s not do this again tonight,” Elle said, as injured by Kerri’s voice as she was the dream that wouldn’t leave her alone. “We are all suffering.”

“You’ve more sense than your sister. How can you be related?” The man grunted and shifted until he lay on his back.

“She’s not royalty, and we’re not really sisters,” Lena answered.

“I must be more important than you, or Kelsa wouldn’t be assigned to me!” Elle’s temper sparked. She shot a glare at the blond woman and drew her knees to her chest, leaning back on her hands. “Can we not have one night of quiet?”

“My father’s pitying you enough to bring you into the family does not purify your blood, and Kelsa is by all rights mine!” Lena responded.

“Kelsa is not yours; she is my protector, and my mate, you forget, will make me rightful heir to—”

Elle's Journey (Book I, Foretold Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now