Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

Darkness comes from the East to claim the girl-mage,

and from the West, her only


for only in the West can her Protector wield the mage-sword.

Only in the West will the girl-mage not fall to her powers.

Only in the West can the mage-queen and warrior-king unite the broken lands.

If the Protector can reach her, if she is not led astray by the Betrayer,

killed by the Hunter, or turned from light to dark by the Shadow.

“The Five Foretold”

Translated excerpt from the lost poetry of Karqala

* * *

 “Girl.” The word was a growl.

Elle had been trying to ignore the demons that prowled on the other side of the invisible barrier while waiting for daylight and for one of her companions to awake. If one woke, he could help her drag the other off the bridge.


She turned finally. Her breath caught as she recognized the tall, lanky man with angled features and golden eyes. He wore a maroon cloak and several sashes across his chest, indicating rank of some sort. It was the same Demon Lord from her vision, the one who fought her mate, and who Shadow hated. She rose.

“What do you want?”

“My son.”

Surprised, her gaze dropped to Shadow, who slept deeply while his body healed itself.

“Why?” she asked.

“Do as I say.” His voice held the arrogant edge she sometimes heard in Shadow’s, only there was no kindness to his cold eyes and sharp features.

“No,” she replied, thoughts going to Shadow’s bitterness towards his father. “When he wakes, if he chooses to go with you, then so be it.”

“I sent him to kill you. You are a fool to show him kindness!”

“That does not change my answer,” she replied and sat down again with her back to him. “He had many chances to harm me and did not. I will not give him to you.”

The Demon Lord muttered in his low voice, and she heard his cloak ripple as he strode away. She turned to watch him go, wondering why he wanted the son that clearly hated him. She willed one of the men awake. The longer they stayed, the more demons were gathering in the ravine. She looked towards the sky to see how high the barrier went, without seeing anything but the clouds that were trapped on the demons’ side of the barrier.

The sky grew lighter as she sat shivering. Just before dawn, Shadow awoke. She waited for him to rise. He was pale, his first step unsure, and his gold eyes glassy.

“We made it?” he rasped.

“Yes, we did,” she said.

“We crossed the Barrier.”


He let out a deep sigh then dropped his head back and shouted, “Now, will you leave me in peace?”

She watched him. He mumbled curses and stumbled. She reached out to help him, but he batted her hand away.

“Will you help me take Catan into the mountain?” she asked.

Elle's Journey (Book I, Foretold Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now