Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

The women trotted for several candlemarks before slowing to a walk. Elle switched the reins of Kerri’s horse from her cramped right hand to her left hand and took a deep breath. The air smelled of dawn, though the canopy above hid any evidence of a lightening sky. Her eyelids drooped after the long night on the horse.

“Eyes,” Kelsa warned.

Elle jerked and looked around. It was the fourth time since leaving camp Kelsa had warned them, and it was the fourth time Elle had searched for those watching without seeing or hearing anything.

“Kelsa, there is nothing out there!” Lena complained from the head of their short column. “Nothing!”

“Eyes,” Kelsa replied, unaffected.

“Elle, tell her to stop!”

“Lena, if she sees something we don’t, I’d like to know,” Elle snapped, privately doubting Kelsa actually saw anything at all.

“I’m so tired, Elle.”

“Me, too.”

“We’ll stop at the first town.”

“If it’s safe.”

Birds grew louder as the forest lightened around them. Elle huddled into the shoddy cloak, dozing off.

“Eyes,” Kelsa warned once again, and Elle bit her tongue to keep from snapping at the demon.

“Now we see there is nothing!” Lena called triumphantly.

Elle blinked and looked around. During her doze, it had lightened enough to see their surroundings. She stretched, her body sore from sleeping on top of a horse.

“Let’s stop for a moment.” She grimaced.

“Gladly.” Lena halted her horse and dismounted.

Elle followed her lead, slid off the horse, and groaned when her legs threatened to give. She steadied herself before stepping away.

“Is there no one who travels this path?” Lena asked, tossing her reins over a tree limb.

“Kerri said it’s haunted by those invisible warriors,” Elle said. “I could use a bath.”

“A hot one. None of this pond water.”

“Lavender scented,” Elle added with a sigh.

“Or jasmine. We always liked jasmine.”

“Yes, we did.”

“Oh, Elle,” Lena sighed. “What happened?”

“Eyes,” Kelsa spoke, staring into the forest.

“Dammit, Kelsa, that’s enough!” Lena barked. “I don’t want to ever hear you—”

“Lena!” Elle said. “Don’t talk to her like that! Maybe she sees something!”

“Where, Elle? Do you see anything? There aren’t even birds!”

“Hush, Lena!” Elle glared at the woman, annoyed, and crossed to the demon. “Kelsa, show me where you see eyes.”

“Yes, show us,” Lena demanded.

“No point.” Kelsa looked at the ground.

“Yes, point!” Elle said with tried patience. “You can point.”

Kelsa hesitated then pointed to a nearby tree.

“A tree, Elle!” Lena marched over to the tree. “She’s pointing at a tree!”

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