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So I've decided to give M/N a look!
Don't worry you don't have to go by this look if you don't want to I understand completely.


Birthday: 12/20/98Age: 20Height: 5'6Likes: diCk (gotta have some humor), pink, music, nice people, giving compliments, dancing and BP (who doesn't)Dislikes: his body, not having physical contact, exercise, mean people and winterFamily members: ???...

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Birthday: 12/20/98
Age: 20
Height: 5'6
Likes: diCk (gotta have some humor), pink, music, nice people, giving compliments, dancing and BP (who doesn't)
Dislikes: his body, not having physical contact, exercise, mean people and winter
Family members: ???
S/O: ???
Closest friends: BIGBANG (fuck wish I was friends with them)
Bandmates: Bts
A part of the vocal line, M/N suffers from depression and anxiety but tries to keep it as regulated and undetected as much as possible.

If you don't know who BIGBANG is, I'm about to shun you istg-
Just kidding, this is what they look like:
(I'm very biased to T.O.P) whew put me in a wheelchair

Alright, I'm going to have started on chapter 4 by the time you get here (if you read this far) and I'll see you then

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Alright, I'm going to have started on chapter 4 by the time you get here (if you read this far) and I'll see you then.
Author-nim OUT!
PeAcE Guys!

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