•Chapter 12•

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Love this song too much tho ^^
Tae has such hot vocals I can't even-
Enjoy chapter 12!
Last chapter:
He sat up, "M/N we need to talk. About the other night."

I sat up next to him and sighed.

Here we go.

Jimin grabbed my hand which surprised me. "What do you think...about me? About all of us." He asked and I swallowed harshly, deathly afraid of confrontation.

I'm not about to tell him I may or may not have a small crush on the other members including himself. He would think I'm weird and I would probably get kicked out.

I looked away and shrugged. He looked a bit disappointed from my answer. "Well, just know how I feel about you. No need to stress yourself." He smiled, poking my nose. I smiled back and unconsciously squeezed his hand and he squeezed back.

It was the day of the concert, we ate breakfast before Jin 'helped' me get dressed. Which means he took off and put on all of my clothes for me. He even tied my fucking shoes. "Don't forget this." He said throwing his cozy jacket at me.

"Hyung this is yours!" I protested, and he just nodded. "Yeah!" He said and walked away. I sighed and put the huge ass jacket on. Ugh! The sleeves are hiding my lil baby hands! Well...at least they won't get cold.

We all walked out to the car, but we barely made it out of the door before an argument broke out. "M/N why're you wearing Jin-hyung's jacket?!" J-hope blurted our, I flinched and turned around thinking I was in trouble. When I saw him he patted my head, "You have to sit next to me then!" He said pulling me along.

We all piled into the car, I sat in between Jin and Hobi while the Namjoon was in the front seat and the other 3 were in the seats behind us.

The car ride was pretty long, the soft rocking was lulling me to sleep, and it didn't help when Tae reached his hand up and started petting my hair. "Wahhh M/N has such soft hair!"

I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore and I flipped onto the broad shoulder next to me.

Jin's P.O.V
"I killed him!" Tae gasped when M/N's head hit my shoulder. I laughed at how tired he must have been to have hit my shoulder that hard and not wake back up.

I wrapped my arm around him to prop him up. "This is betrayal M/N I thought we had something special." Tae whined, again. I hushed him. "Our small child is trying to sleep! I will throw you out of this car like last time if you do not shush!" I whisper yelled.

I snuck a small kiss on the top of his head and smiled as I pet his soft hair.


The car came to a stop and I softly shook M/N. He wasn't waking up, so I picked him up and carried him into the venue.

We were backstage and I set him down on the couch. Hoseok swooped in and laid a blanket over his small frame. The staff asked if we should wake him up. I shook my head, "He can go last, he needs the sleep." I smiled. They nodded in understanding and went to work.

M/N's P.O.V
My eyes opened slowly, as soon as I realized I didn't know where I was I sat up quickly but someone put a hand on my shoulder. "It's okay, you still have a few extra minutes to sleep." I looked up at Yoongi. I lightly shook my head and smiled a little at him, "It's okay, I want to spend some time with you guys before we go out."

After taking a while to get ready, we still had 15 minutes to spare.

I was in the bathroom, washing my hands, I heard the door open and turned around. "Ah, hyung you scared me." I said looking up at Yoongi. He didn't ya anything and locked the door. I looked at him in confusion.

"Sorry." He said.

"Why are you-"

I was cut off by a pair of surprisingly soft lips, his hands grabbed my arms, I was mostly shocked when he opened his eyes and stared back at me. Hot damn. I was honestly ready to kiss him back but he pulled away, unlocked the door, and left.

"What in the hell was that?!" I bit my lip. Oh my gah holy shit I am not okay. I left the bathroom, immediately my body was met with another's, their last words being "I told you I was faster!"

I was now on the floor, I groaned as another body on top of me took forever to roll off of me. "Tae! What was that?!" Jin came in and put his face in his hands. He walked over and gently pulled my off the ground.


It was time to get on stage. Fuck my life. I was shaking, I took a few breaths to calm myself. "It's not working!" I said to myself. I felt a big hand wrap around mine and looked over. I looked down at our hands, intertwined with one another.

"Sorry, I saw you shaking. This helps." Jungkook said quietly, he gave me a small smile. I sat there with my mouth hanging open slightly. This made me more nervous, and what made it worse was that another hand grabbed my other.

"Hellooo~" Tae gave a boxy smile. I couldn't help but smile back.

We all walked out on stage, both Jungkook and Tae holding my hands. Everyone was cheering, really loud.

"Hello! We know you can see our newest member. We can't say too much now, but we will introduce him at the fan-sign after the concert." Namjoon explained smiling happily.


After the concert, everyone seemed very pleased, I couldn't help but smile.

Now time for the fan sign.
I hope there's a fuckin snow day tomorrow I've been super stressed lately and haven't been able to update. I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!

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