Chapter 2

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Beth looks across the street looking both ways. She was nervous. One of her best friends was killed by getting hit by a car. They had honked as they were going way over the speed limit.

Her friend just like Beth, was deaf. Her friend was rushing to get somewhere and then it happened.

Ever since then, Beth has been more nervous. She always was trying to be more careful. She wanted to cross the road, but just couldn't. Nobody else was walking across the street. So she just stood there hoping that she could find the courage to walk across.

She was starving and had walked across the street to get some food. At that time it was no problem. There was a group of people who also was trying to get across to the restaurant. But unlike Beth they didn't call in. They sat down intending to stay for a little while.

No longer wanting to wait Beth takes a deep breath and goes to take a step into the street.

And then she chickened out. She rubs her temple with her fingers irritated at herself. She looks around and see's nobody with an intent to go across. But then she notices the law firm.

Mr. Santorini would help her across. She felt so angry about her irrational fear, but it was her fear.

She walks into the law firm and she looks at the lady at the front desk who had looked up and was moving her lips. Beth noticed that the lady looked exhausted as her dyed black hair stuck up a little in odd places. Beth's eyes flicker to the name plate on the desk and saw that the lady was married.

And then again Beth was helpless. Beth tries to read her lips as well as she could but gave up quickly.

Beth walks up to the desk and types on her phone quickly.

Is Mr. Santorini here?

She holds the phone out for the secretary who didn't seem to mind reading it. She didn't look surprised or angry. She accepted it already understanding that Beth was deaf.

The lady shakes her head and Beth just about had the panic attack she's been pushing down for the past twenty minutes. All the sudden the lady turns away from her but Beth could see her lips moving. Then August appears from the hall still putting on his long black coat.

Beth felt even more smaller now that August was in the room. He intimidated her with his height. August smiles and waves at her.

"Mr. Santorini is going to be mad at you," the lady says to August which only made him roll his eyes. Beth kept feeling worse and worse about being deaf and not being able to hear the lady who seemed to be nice to be willing to help Beth.

August's eyes drop down to the bag that Beth was holding. Signaling that she already had food.

"Why are you here?" he signs to her quickly. She shifts on her feet obviously uncomfortable.

Beth frowns and starts to admit why she was there, "I need someone to walk me across the street. I thought Mr. Santorini could help me."

August's eyebrows furrow and then his eyes soften. Obviously she was ashamed about it.

"Bye, Lena. See you tomorrow," August says and then holds the door open for Beth. Beth let's her head hang low and walks out of the building.

"Let me go grab my food and I'll walk you across the street. I was going to come over and read anyways," he tells Beth. Beth relaxes a little more obviously relieved. She waits patiently for him to grab his food and then they walk across the street and into the book shop.

"There are indicators for when you can walk," August signs. Beth shifts in her chair and frowns.

"I know. I just don't trust them. I wouldn't be able to hear if a car was coming in too fast and couldn't stop for me. My friend died that way. Because she couldn't hear a car," Beth signs slowly and sadly. August frowns. He could tell that she didn't like she was scared, but she had the right to be. She lost a friend and she was blaming their inability to hear instead of the driver.

August pulls a book out and slides it over to Beth.

"It's a good one," he says. She smiles and nods her head reading the title.

August frowns; she already had read it.

The two eat and carefully sign each other things trying to get to know each other. August was currently trying to tell her a story and was struggling to remember the correct signs. Beth giggles and August couldn't help but smile.

He found it hard to control himself when he heard a lovely sound like that. It was beautiful and soft. Beth's hair was pulled back again a few strands had leaked out of the hairband. She was wearing some jeans, a simple t-shirt, and a pair of old converse that obviously showed their age.

She helps him remember signs and corrects him on his grammar. It only made him realize how much he missed his family. Especially his siblings.

He had saw his brother this morning only to be told that his brother just got engaged. August tells Beth about his brother's engagement and she smiles widely.

"You don't look excited," she signs.

"I didn't know it was that serious. It makes me feel bad. I'm terrible with keeping contact," he signs admitting his fault.

"I'm sure your brother isn't mad about that," she signs back.

The bell rings to the store and August looks to the door to see Mr. Santorini walking in with determination in his step. His eyes met with August's and there was anger present.

"You were at work today. Even though you weren't supposed to be," Mr. Santorini says. August frowns.

"I had to finish somethings from the past case," August admits.

Mr. Santorini immediately calms down and says hello to Beth who had shrunk in her seat clueless to why the old man looked so angered.

August quickly explains and watched as her face lit up and she smiled. Both of their hearts knew something the two didn't.

They liked each other.

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