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A few months later...

Beth's family won the case. And she was able to be adopted. She was waiting for her friends to pick her up from work. They were going to go celebrate one of her friends promotion. Her phone vibrates and Beth locks up and joins Amelia.

"Congrats" Beth signs to her friend. Amelia smiles widely and hugs her friend.

After an hour of drinking Beth was what college kids would say.


Amelia couldn't stop laughing at her friend. Who was making fun of everyone on the dance floor. Beth stuck out like a sore thumb. She was wearing overalls that were covered in paint because she's painting the flower shop's backroom and the office. Her dirty converse and since it was dark outside she had her glasses on. Her red hair was long and pulled into a braid.

Everyone on the dance floor were wearing short dresses or skirts and grinding on everyone. Beth incredibly drunk decided she was going to make fun of people on the dance floor. Everyone was looking at Beth like she was weird, but Beth would only look at them like they were the weird one and kept dancing.

"Text August," one of Amelia's co-worker signs to her. Amelia nods her head and texts him. Then the girls get up and get the stumbling Beth outside. Beth thought she was having the time of her life. They were walking down the street and then Beth spotted the familiar body. She tried to run, but her legs wouldn't work. She stumbled forward and wrapped her arms around the light post to keep her from falling over.

August yells Beth's name even though she couldn't hear. He runs up to her and wraps his arm around her waist. She leans into him and smiles.

"You are hot!" she yells out loud. Beth drunk was a fearless who didn't care that her words didn't make any sense. August smiles and holds onto her tight. He looks to her friends and waves at them.

"Thank you, you all are good to go home?" he asks them. They all giggled and signed to him that they had a ride coming.

"Can you feel the love tonight?" Beth sings. And it wasn't good at all. The notes were wrong. It was clear she didn't remember the tune of the song anymore.

"Totally," August signs to her. She looks at him with raised eyebrows and then pushes her glasses back up her face.

"Come on. We are going to my place," he says and they head towards August's apartment. He waits until Beth sobers up. He knew her too well.

She was a lightweight. And alcohol didn't have a lasting affect on her if she drank a lot of water. So he put on her favorite movie that matched her favorite book.

Under the Tuscan Sun.

She started to sober up quickly and then by the end she was quickly sober.

He could tell she was imagining and daydreaming.

"What are you dreaming about?" he asks her. She smiles and shrugs.

Beth was dreaming about everything.

But most of all she wanted to go to Tuscany.

"Let me guess," August signs to her. She pretends to put a poker face on and waits for him to guess.

But all the sudden Beth couldn't breathe because in her face were tickets to dreamland.

She meant Tuscany.

"What have you done?" Beth signs crying.

August was shocked. What did she mean what has he done.

He got them tickets for Tuscany!

"Who can say no to Tuscany?" He signs.

"Don't quote it at me. I didn't say no! I'm excited. I just don't know how to react. I want to go. When do we leave?" Beth signs rapidly.

"Four days," August replies. Beth screeches. She stands up and dances.

And August went up and joined her.

Both falling in more love with each other even more and more.

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