Chapter 1 - Felix is back

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It's been 2 years since Marinette and Adrian firsts met, Marinette is 16 with the rest of the class and Adrian is 17 only a few weeks before Mari's. Anyway so over these past 2 years Mari has convinced herself that her and Adrian will never be, she was devastated that she couldn't be with him but she knew that in her heart that it was best to let go of her silly little crush.
Mari's pov:
"Omg, omg I'm going to be late on my first day back to school!" she exclaimed as she ran out the house grabbing a croissants. man I'm lucky I live only 2 minuets away from the school she thought to herself.
In school:
I walk into class to see Alya (my best friend) and Nino another close friend kissing... my jaw just dropped and then I smiled at her "so Alya you and Nino, how long" I say smugly.
Alya- "about two months" she shyly said as she put her hands over her ears.
Alya- "I didn't know how to, I'm sorry Mari"
"It's ok Alya" I sighed as I sat down in my usual seat "aren't you coming" i said
Alya- "you know I might sit at the front with Nino, I think you can manage with Adrian"
I nodded and said "ok just don't forget about me" as I said that the blonde boy himself came in.
Adrian- "hey guys, did you have a good holiday"
"Yeh" we all exclaimed -silence- "what about you" I asked
Adrian- "it was alright I guess, but before I left my father told me I would get this special surprise during class"
"Hmm wonder what it could be"
Adrian- "by the way Marinette, why is Alya sitting in my seat?"
"Oh her and Nino are going out- don't worry if you didn't know I didn't" I laugh whilst he laughed back.
Adrian- "so where am I going to sit now?"
Chloe quickly interrupts.
Chloe- "adrikins you could come sit next to me and Sabrina"
I whispered to him you can come sit with me to get out of that nightmare.
Adrian- "good idea" he turns to Chloe "don't worry Chloe I'm going to sit with Marinette"
Chloe- "ugh maribrat, hmph utterly ridiculous!" She screamed as she stomped away.
Adrian pov:
I look at Mari (I only call her Mari in my head because I'm not comfortable calling her it, her friends call her Mari, I want to be more than her friend and when I am I will call her princess❤️) she looks dis heartened, I grab her shoulder and smile saying "hey don't listen to her, she doesn't know what she is talking about half the time" Mari smiles back,
Mari- "thank you Adrian"
That smile- that angelic smile - I simply can't stop loving it I thought as I sat down.
Mrs bustier then came in and I sat down she greeted out class then handed out some work. After a few minutes I looked at Mari, she was so concentrated on her work she didn't even notice me, then I heard what Nino said to Alya...
Alya pov-
"So step one of getting them to sit with each other was successful!" I whisper screamed to Nino
Nino- "all we now have to do is get them on a date- piece of cake- Adrian adores Mari"
I turn around to see Adrian giving Nino a death glare
I whisper so Adrian doesn't hear " you know Nino, Marinette was head over heals for the guy- but she soon lost interest as he didn't make a move"

Everyone stopped talking as they l heard a knock on the door.

Marinette pov:
I heard a knock on the door and looked up
Mrs bustier- "come in"
When the door opened I saw a tall boy- a head taller then me to be precise- he had a suit of with luscious blond hair and beautiful green eye, I then realised he looked a lot like Adrian. I look over to see him with he jaw open " a-Adrian" I said worryingly
Adrian pov:
"F-f-felix" so this was the "surprise" father told me about "what are you doing here"
Mrs bustier- "oh I see you know each other"
Felix- "of course I know him miss, I mean he is my brother after all" he said coldly
Mrs bustier- "oh in that case you can sit on the same table as him"
Felix sits down next to Marinette, NEXT TO MY PRINCESS!
10 minuets before:
Felix's pov:
"But father why do I have to go to school here"
Mr Agreste- " because me and your aunt agreed that you an you're brother need to be closer and get along so from now on you will be living with me and going to school where I tell you"
Poor Adrian he was left with this crumbucket, compared to him living with aunts in Colchester was not so bad.
Back to present time:
I walked to Adrian table and I contemplated if I should sit with him or not, I decided not to as he didn't like the fact I was there, so I sat next to the girl next to him. Her head was down when I arrived but when I sat she looked up and said
Marinette- "hi I'm Marinette, it's nice to meet you" she put her hand out, I then grabbed it saying "f-Felix" Marinette has galaxy eyes with rosy cheeks and luscious lips.
No ones pov:
everyone sat there in silence until the bell went
Adrian-"what are you doing here Felix?"
Felix- "father told me we have to get along so I now have to live with you and go to school here"
Mari- "Felix, Adrian I just realised I never asked are you guys twins or is one of you 9-12 months older..." Mari gets pushed over by Chloe whist she says
Chloe- "of course there not twins maritrash, everyone knows that twins are always identical"
Adrian was about to yell but Felix beat him to it
Felix- hey you can't talk to her like that - helps her up- and for your information whatever you're name is we are twins"
Chloe- "my name is Chloe bourgeois the mayors daughter, no one talks to me like that I'm telling daddy!" She cries stomping off
Felix was about to walk off when he felt someone grabbing his arm, it was Marinette
Mari- "thank you Felix" she let goes and smiled
Felix- "you're welcome" that smile it reminds of someone... mom!

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