Chapter 2 - planing the sleepover

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Adrian sees Felix just standing there.
Adrian- "Felix you coming"
Felix pauses for a moment then says,
Felix- "Y-y-yeah"
At Mr Agreste's house,
Adrian comes rushing in only to be greeted by his father.
Adrian- "father why didn't you tell me Felix was joining us"
Mr Agreste- "I did tell you your getting a surprise today at school"
Adrian- "yeh... but...but"
Felix comes in.
Felix- "good afternoon father"
Mr Agreste just nodded at him.
Mr Agreste- "oh and Adrian I changed your double bed to king size so you and Felix can share"
Natalie- "Mr Agreste you have an urgent meeting in Venezuela"
Mr Agreste- "thank you Natalie I will leave in 2 hours,I hope you two can get along for the week"
Felix and Adrian- "yes sir"
Mr Agreste and Natalie walked outside whilst Adrian and Felix walk to Adrian's room.
Felix- "so Adrian what do you do after school?
Adrian- "nothing really, I just sit there, but when I have the chance I go out with my friends: Alya, Nino and Marinette"
Felix- "Marinette is the girl I sat next if I'm not mistaken, she has beautiful eyes, does she have a boyfriend?"
Adrian- "no she doesn't... I mean she used to have a thing for me but I was to oblivious to notice... wait ... do you like Marinette"
Felix- "No - I mean yeah- I mean, I'm not sure, all I know is that she has mothers smile"
Adrian- dreamily thinks yehh she does
Felix and Adrian were about to play on the Xbox then Adrian had a great idea.
Adrian- "Felix I just had a great idea"
Felix- " well what is it"
Adrian- "I could ask father if we could have a sleepover"
Felix- "he'll say no"
Adrian already going to his father- "father whilst your gone can me and Felix have a sleepover"
Mr Agreste- "no"
Adrian- "but it gives Felix a chance to meet my friends"
Mr Agreste- "who will look after you, Natalie will be coming with me"
Adrian- "come on father have some trust in us we are 17, soon we will be moving out"
Mr Agreste- "very well but I have a condition- only 3 friends allowed"
Adrian- "ok thank you father!"
The next day at school
Felix's pov:
Ugh I got no sleep due to Adrian kicking, god he fidgets to much in the night. I walked into class to see my ray of sunshine (Marinette) was talking to this talking to this girl- Alya I think, she was very sassy towards Marinette, which made Marinette laugh. "Hey, you must be Alya right" I say confidently
Alya- "yeh who told you" she said curiously
"are you not a friend of Adrian?" I asked
Alya- "yeh we are very close"
I was about to speak when Adrian and this guy, Nino maybe, walks in
Nino- "hey dude and dudedet"
Alya- "hey Nino"
Marinette- " hi"
" hello" I politely said, then I turned to Adrian and said "who are you inviting to your sleepover?"
Adrian- "umm obviously these 3, unless you want to invite someone"
Felix- "don't have anyone to invite, I mean I don't have any friends"
Marinette- "aww you could be our friend"
"Thank you Mari- I mean Marinette"
Marinette- "it's ok if you call me Mari, all of my friends do" she smiled and sat down
"Ring-ring" after the bell goes the 5 stay behind
Adrian hand all 3 of them invitations to his sleepover at 5:00 today they all squealed in excitement and they all said they will be there!
After school at Adrian house.
Adrian pov:
I was just walking to the store room thinking: This is my only chance to get close to Mari and I didn't want Felix in the way- it's not fair why does he have to like Mari (actually to be honest who doesn't like Mari). "Felix can you help me with this mattress"
Felix "sure brother"
"Felix you have been quite all day what's wrong"
Felix- "it's nothing really"
"You know we might not get along but you can tell me"
Felix- "well... it's Mari... umm are you sure she doesn't have a boyfriend"
"Positive, she would have told us"
Felix- "well do you know if anyone likes her?"
Then I started thinking out loud very dreamily "hmm who doesn't like her I mean she is so beautiful, positive and kind"
Felix- (drops matrices) "what!"
I looked at Felix confused then I realised what I said "omg did I just say that out loud!!! Just ignore me"
Felix- "you like Mari, don't you"
"Yeh I do" ashamed
Felix- confidently "let the best brother win her heart" he takes out his hand to shake.
"Ok fine"
Felix- "by the way brother just saying I have not even tried flirting with her yet"
thinking oh no
Felix- "by the way Adrian?"
Felix-"who is actually sleeping on the matrices"
"Honestly I don't know because only 2 people can sleep on it and the other person will have to sleep with us"
Felix- "how about we make it a little game"
Felix- "Me and you hide 2 red ribbons and the 2 people who find it will be able to sleep on the matrices"
"That an excellent idea actually, I highly doubt someone wants to share with 3 people"
Felix- "Exactly"
"What should we plan to do"
Felix- "honestly I wanna play video games, but I don't think the girls would like that"
"Felix if you have known them as long as I have, you would know they all love video games- especially Mari, her and this boy max were in a tournament"
Felix- "wait she creamed the famous Adrian Agreste- dam I wanna change her"
"If you want to be humiliated you can, don't underestimate her she can be very sneaky"
Felix- "so can I trust me"
Looks at the time "omg Felix we only have 10 minuets to get everything ready"
Felix- "we better hurry then"

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