No more Dan Humphry

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It had been a month since we moved in , and we had settled in are new home.
Happier than ever .

I was walking down the street too meet Blair for lunch and I saw Dan walking on the other side of the street.
Blair had never liked Dan , neither had I really.
But Blair really despised him.
He had treated Serena badly a few times.
He wrote a book about us all.
He never fit in .
He was gossip girl , the whole time, Blair hated him for that .
She got him out of town she hated him that much, got him to say he wouldn't step foot in Manhattan again. Yet here he is.
Blair won't be happy.
"Hiya ,how's your morning been" Blair said as I approached her outside the restaurant .
" good now , how about you beautiful " I said walking her inside
"Yeah , good. I'm starving "she said
"You won't guess who I saw just then." I whispered
"Taylor swift , I've heard she's in New York. You no I just don't see what everyone sees."she blabbed
"No not Taylor Swift"I laughed
"Who your scaring me" she insisted
"Gossip girl himself" she is going to blow
I put my hand over her mouth. She was about to scream.
"Not hear " I laughed
"I think I've lost my appetite " she was furious. "What do people from Brooklyn not understand about 'don't come back to Manhattan ' " she clenched her fists
"What are you thinking " I smirked
"Complete Humphrey take down , he won't step foot on this island again."she grinned
I sighed "I love you "
"I know " she smirked.

We got home and went up to our room, I kissed up Blairs neck and she pushed me off.
"What's wrong " I stroked her face
" we have a take down to plan Chuck, there's no time for distractions." She swotted my hand
"What can you use too blackmail" I asked
"I don't know , but we're going to find out ."she stated
After hours of lying on are bed on the Internet .
Calling people.
I found something.
Well..  remembered something.
After Blair ran Dan out of town. He moved away and was studying to become a teacher.
But if I remember correctly Dan had sex with Mrs Carr while she worked at are school, while he was a student. If employers from big schools new this they would never take him on. If he could do it with a teacher what's to say he would find it okay to do it with an student .
"It's your lucky day" I smirked
"What , what is it what have you found "she shook me
I told her all of that.
"And I can tell him if he doesn't get him and his homeless man curly hair cut out of Manhattan, he won't get a job in any of the big schools "she smirked
"That's my girl" I held her waist and we kissed
"Let's go " she grabbed my hand

Me and Chuck were in the back of the limo and saw Dan and Vanessa having a coffee in Starbucks  we waited for them to come out and walk there separate ways which they did , so me and Chuck jumped out the limo and walked towards him .
He caught a glance of us and went to turn around.
"I'm wearing heels but I can still catch you up so no point turning around Will Ferrell" I shouted.
"What do you want Blair" he turned around and rolled his eyes.
"What do I want ? What do I want !? I want for when I tell someone not to come back to Manhattan, for them to , I don't know , not come back to Manhattan!!! Was I not clear."I shouted
"I've been gone for months ." He stated
"Months not long enough "I said
"I'm not scared of you Blair"he said
"You kinda should be " Chuck laughed
"I know things that can end your Career " I crossed my arms
"Such as " he said
"Sex with a teacher , big schools know that well ... They will think you might find it okay to do it with a student . All it takes is one phone call. We know people in high places" I said
"I will be gone tonight u don't need to do th-" he stuttered
"Thought so Humphrey "Chuck said
I smiled sarcastically

Chuck put his arm around me as we walked off.
"Never loose your touch , do you " he said
"I try " I smiled
Getting back in the limo he pulled my waist into his and we made out  .
We pulled up outside are building.
"Pass me my dress" I laughed while me and Chuck finished up.
We got out of the limo and Serena was there.
"You two were just born this way weren't you " she laughed
"That's a Lady Gaga song I have no idea what your talking about " I grinned
"Still having sex in limos" she laughed
"Who said anything about sex "" I said
"No one here but your hair did"she laughed
"Is it that bad " I gasped
"Take no notice"Chuck fixed my hair
I crossed my arms and lent into Chuck .
"Anyway I was just here to tell you I saw Dan earlier."Serena said , expecting me to blow.
"That's been sorted, keep up S" I rolled my eyes
"Sorted ?"she asked
"He won't be coming back again " I smiled
"Wow don't mess with B " she laughed
"I wouldn't " Chuck laughed
I shot him a smirky glance.

Thanks for reading.
I need ideas for somethings to write about. Otherwise it's getting hard to update .
I'm going to start a new Chuck and Blair piece from before they were dating . After the victrola episode and everything, but I'm still updating this . I just need ideas to write about.
Xoxo Meg .

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