Waldorf penthouse

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I had left my jacket at Blair and Chucks yesterday morning so I left to go and get it around 10am.
I walked out of the elevator and no one was there , I couldn't see my jacket so I checked there bedroom , I walked in too find the cutest little scene.
Both asleep , Blair lying all over him .
The room smelt of Chinese food and Blairs perfume.
I walked over too the chair and grabbed my jacket off it , then went to the kitchen and left them a note .

I hope you don't mind but I came to get my jacket .
You two looked so cute aw.
Have you had Chinese it smelt so good.ahahha
Lots of love - S xoxo

I slowly opened my eyes and got a whiff off the Chinese food we had last night , I pulled the covers over my head so that the smell would go away , I felt the covers being taken from my grasp .
"It's the food isn't it " I heard him say as my head was buried in the pillow
I nodded
I felt his warm touch on the back of my neck as he moved my hair too one side and kissed my neck.
I turned my head and lifted it up .
Ahh those brown eyes , I could just melt in them.
His hand slithered down my stomach and he kept it there,
I had goose bumps .
Chuck had to go too work today but I never so I decided I would go and see my mother and Cyrus as they said they wanted to speak with me .
"What time are you going to work " I stroked his face with my finger
"I have a meeting at 12:30 so I will have to leave here like 12 "he said holding my hand
I pouted and sighed
"I will be back in no time " he pushed my lip up too stop pouting with his thumb and pecked me on the lips .
It was 11 now so he still had an hour so we put on some tv and once the show that was on had finished it was 11:40 so chuck went and got ready and I started getting ready to go my mothers .
I was in the middle off doing my hair and I felt two warm arms wrap around my waist
"Have to leave now " he whispered in my ear
I turned round and kissed him goodbye " I will see you later , text me " and then carried on getting ready.
I got to my Mothers and walked in .
"Hey Dorota " I said
"Miss Blair , you look well how are you " Dorota said
"I'm good , do you know where my mother is " I asked
"Miss Eleanor is upstairs " she told me 
I walked upstairs and my mother walked out of her room.
"Blairrrrr " she hugged me
"You look beautiful " she held my arms and examined me
"Thankyou mom , where's Cyrus " I asked
"He's just downstairs somewhere" she said
"Come down "she said
We went into the living room and sat down , Cyrus walked in .
"Blair Sweetheart you look swell " he walked over with his arms open
I gave him a hug and pulled away . "Not enough !!! " he said in his laughing voice hugging me once again.
We all sat down .
"So me and Cyrus were thinking of moving to Paris full time ." She told me
"What ?? Why " I asked
"We like it there , we have are house out there and obviously you can visit and I will visit often." She told me
"Yeah but still " I sulked
"Anyway we were going too say , why don't you and Chuck move in here now you pair are married now "she offered
"Really ? That would be great" I said
"Yeah , how are you and Chuck "she asked concerned
"That's great mom and amazing , he's so good to me mom "I said
"That's brilliant Blair " Cyrus said
"I'm so glad your happy , you look it " she smiled
"I really am , he was going to come but he had a business meeting ." I said
"Oh it's fine don't worry , I will see you pair before we leave anyway " my mom said
"When are you going?" I asked
"Monday "she said
It was Wednesday now .
"Okay that's great mom , you pair will have a great time ." I said  hugging them
They were going out for lunch so I went up too my room and was looking around .
My bed was neatly made. It looked untouched.
My pictures were still framed on the wall.
Me and Serena.
Audrey Hepburn.
Me , my mom and my dad . A picture from when I was really young.
Me , Serena , Nate and Chuck.
And my favourite picture which didn't stay on the wall it was a frame I kept on my bedside table , me and Chuck , I've had it since the end of high school it was constantly up or in the draw when we broke up and back out when we were together and it went on. But I never got rid off it , I always loved him.
I haven't slept here since I've been married , I moved in with Chuck straight after .
The closet was bare , all my clothes were at The Empire , my make up , perfume all gone.
I sat on my bed and looked around , thinking off all the memories I've had in this room .
My phone vibrates , I jumped out of my skin , it was Chuck calling.
"Blair "he said
"Yeah , sorry what's up " I said snapping out of the daydream
"What's up "he asked
"Oh nothing I was just daydreaming and your call shocked me " I laughed
"Okay "he laughed " are you still at your place " he asked
"Yeah come now , I have news ." I said
"On my way " he said
I pulled out a box from under the bed. It was full of different things I put in there over the years , memories.
The tiara I got for prom queen.
The dress I wore the first time me and Chuck ... You know .
The photo shoot photos of me and Serena.
My  queen headband .
The letter I wrote to Serena but never sent . I read it , a tear fell onto the page.
Lots of upsetting and amazing things in one box.
I found a smudged picture of me and Chuck in there. I remembered, it was from when we broke up the first time , I was crying and it smudged.
Chuck walked in I threw the picture in the box and shoved it under my bed , as I turned around I wiped the one tear off of my face.
"Heyy , how was your meeting " I got up and sat on the bed .
"Why are you sitting on the floor and what did you shove under the bed " he asked confused.
"Oh nothing just an old dress I found " I laughed.
"Oh right , the meeting was good so what news did you have for me."he asked
I moved back on the bed and tapped it signalling him too come sit next to me , he did .
"My mom and Cyrus have decided to move full time too there place in France "I said
"Oh no , are you okay ? " he asked putting his arm around me.
"Yeah I'm fine but my mom said that we can have this place if we want now we're married"I smiled.
"Yeah that would be great, do you want too ?" He asked
"Yeah if you do , it's big and we would have Dorota here." I pointed out
"Yeah let's then , when are they leaving ?" he asked
"Monday " I said
"Okay great ." He smiled.
He looked at me analysing my face.
"Have you been crying " he asked
"No of course not why." I fastly answered
"Your eyes look watery and slightly red"he said holding my waist
" It must be something Dorota cleans the room with because I'm fine " I spat
"You can tell me anything you know " he whispered in my ear
"I know , I tell you everything " I kissed him.
We lay making out on my old bed for a bit .
"This seems awfully familiar " he smirked
"I feel like we're in high school " I laughed
We carried on making out until it led too more and I really did feel like we were in high school again.

Thanks for reading , let me know what you think .
Xoxo Meg

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