Goodbye mother , 6 years ago

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Monday came round quick and me and Chuck had packed all are stuff into boxes and we went round too my Mothers too see them off.
We got there and had lunch , there flight was at 3:30.
The house looked really weird because most stuff was packed up because they were taking it too there new place in France.
When they were about too leave I was crying hugging my mom and Cyrus I was going too miss having her so close all the time .
"We will see you very soon Blair , don't cry " my mom said
I felt Chucks arm go around my waist .
"Have a great time in France , we will visit soon "chuck said too them hugging my mother and Cyrus .
They drove off too the airport , and chuck pulled me in for a hug and wiped the tears off my face.
"We can see them soon" he whispered
I nodded.

We decided to unbox all of are stuff . But we couldn't do it all in the time we had so we just did the essentials then put on a film for a bit.
We watched this horror , both curled up on the couch I was lying on chuck , digging my head into his chest every time something scary come on .


The film finished and Blair had fell asleep on me , I picked her up trying not to wake her and put her on are bed , I went to are ensuite to brush my teeth and she walked in.
"Did I wake you "I asked
"No" she put her arms around my waist looking up at me with her never ending brown eyes.
I kissed her softly
She pulled back passionately, I pulled away.
"Are you not tired " I questioned
She kissed me "not any more "she said
I picked her up and walked over too are bed and I dropped her down on it , she pulled me down with her ,unbuttoning my shirt.
I unzipped her dress and pulled it over her head.
We rolled around for a while
"You never loose your sparkle do you " I panted admiring her figure
"I could say the same about you bass" she ran her finger across my jawline
I rolled her over so she sat on me and we spoke until after a while she got off and we both went to bed.
I woke up in the middle of the night too Blair tapping my arm.
"What's up Blair "I rubbed my eyes
"I can't sleep " she told me , she sounded scared
"It's the film isn't it " I laughed
"No . I just can't sleep " she bolted a look at me.
"Scaredy cat" I played with her hair
"Am not " she frowned
I hugged her tight , "it's just a film " I whispered.
"I kno-" I cut her off " your safe with me " I rubbed my thumb on her warm skin 
She exhaled, touching my lip and resting her head on my chest so my chin touched the top of her head.
I waited until I knew she was asleep then I closed my eyes .


I woke up and moved to stretch my arm realising I was leaning on Chuck so I stopped moving so I wouldn't wake him but I already had.
"Good morning,beautiful " he smiled
I giggled looking up at him.
"It is now " I pecked him
I don't think he knows what today is.

I'm not sure she knows what today is . I don't want to bring it up but what if she has remembered and is mad I haven't or what if she doesn't remember and feels bad or thinks I'm weird.hmmm.
"How are you today " I asked
"Tired" she said
I don't think she remembers I'm just going to leave it.

I don't no if he asked because he remembered or if he just asked.
Today is the anniversary of when we had sex in the back of a limo with him, the thing that started are relationship. It was 6 years ago today , I was 16. 17 a few days later.
I want him to remember but I won't make a big deal if he doesn't.

I have a plan.
I'm going to ask him if he remembers and if he says remember what then I will make something up , like .. To get the painting in are room from the hotel. And if he instantly knows what I mean , then ... That's cute.
Here goes nothin.
"Do you remember?" I asked, shaking a little

shit. Does she mean what she think she means , I don't want to make a fool of my self.
She's a girl , shit like this is meaningful especially to someone like Blair, it must be what she means.
"I think so " I said squinting to try and read her mind or something.
"You think so ?" She asked.
Hell. I've put my foot in it.
"6 years ago ?" I was praying this is what she was talking about.
I felt her exhale , a long happy sigh. Was I right , did she remember.
"I can't believe you remembered" she smiled
"How could I not , only the best day of my life ." I played with her hair
My fingers were tangled in her hair."I don't no , I just thought you wouldn't ."She shrugged
"I think I know how to celebrate "I smirked
She jumped on top of me As If it was 6 years ago.


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