Chapter ONE

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[Lunch Break]

"Hey! Why are you spacing out there? Are you alright?"

"Huh? Yes! I'm alright."

"Geez... Did your boyfriend broke up with yah?"

"Huh? Boyfriend? I don't have a boyfriend. Are you crazy?"

"Hahaha!! Yeah right! And, I'm not crazy!"

Geez... Why am I friend with her?

"Anyway, kidding aside. Why are you spacing out? Did you have a problem?" She lean her arms to the table and look at me directly into my eyes.

"What?" I replied with an anxious face.

"Tell me... What's bothering in your mind?"

This girl... She's serious...


"What are you sighing for? Tell me, right now!"

"Okay. Okay... You don't have to shout." I can hear you, you know... Geez... My ears...

Oh well... I don't have a choice.

"Actually, there's this man, I never meet him before."

I glance towards her direction, because earlier I am talking while watching the outside of the window. I sat near in the window by the way.

She's too close...

"Uhmm... You're too close..."

"Ah yeah! Sorry!" She immediately move backward. Actually, she seated in front of me (our setting arrangement) so right now her position is, as you can imagine when you're talking to your classmate who's seated behind you. Anyways, back to the story.

"Go on." She said.

"Okay..." Can I just stop?

"You know just as I say, there was this guy who keeps bothering in my mind..." I paused. "Shall I continue?"

She snap. "Why the hell you ask?! Yes... You can!"

She's becoming irritating, okay then, I shall continue...

"Okay. I think it's started a week ago, I think it was Monday... Yes, Monday. Remember when I almost getting late."


*birds chirping*

"I'm going!"

"Okay, take care..."

*door close*

*deep breathe*

"Haah... What a good day to start."


(30 minutes passed)

*bus door open*

"I'm almost at my school..." I was about to cross on the road when someone suddenly grab my hand and immediately pulled me and run.

Wh-what the!!?! Who... Who's this guy? Why are we running? Wait! The school! What time is it?!

While running, I took a look at my wrist watch and saw the time. It is already 7:40 in the morning!!

I'm going to be late!! I don't want to be punish!! What to do!? This guy, hold my hand tightly I can't pulled it nor shake it! Damn! Who's this guy!?! And where is exactly are we heading? I can't see the place where I stood earlier... Argh!

"Hey! Who're you?! And please, can we just stop running. I'm getting exhausted here..."

Is he even listening?

"Hey! Hey! HEY! YOU DAM-!"

I was about to hit him using my bag but suddenly he pulled me closer and ha-hug me!!

Wh-what the!! What's happening!? Why hug me? Why did he hug me!?!


*froze for a moment*

What... What's going on?!

*pulled away*


"Wh-what!?" What's with this man? I can't understand him... "What are you starin' at?!"

"Thank goodness! You look healthy... I'm so glad." Then he smiled.

"What?" Confused.

"Oh! I'm so sorry getting you run this far.."

Is he an idiot? He should really say sorry! I am very tired, confused and shock. I can't explain what I'm feeling right now.

"So, what now? Do you have something to say? You know, we've run this pretty far.. I'm waiting.."

*crosses arms*

Damn! I'm getting late! I bet I'm late already! Argh.. I hope I'm not.

"I'm your past lover, or should I say... I'm your wife in our previous life."


A/N: End of Chapter ONE.

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