20. "Send nudes when you get home so I know you're safe."

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NOTE: thank you, everyone, for waiting for me to update ! i got a new and much lighter laptop so i can really update anytime, i just started college and it's ok so far-i can't say much for my update schedule but i managed to squeeze this one into my day.

p.s. i changed the names of louis and harry's family members.

Louis - mom: Jude, dad: David, sisters: Bell and Lily, twins: Roat and Rowan

Harry - mom: Patty, dad: George, sister: Tinley

Louis honestly didn't mean for Harry to get grounded. "It's three in the morning, Louis Tomlinson, how dare you sneak out!" But he was hungry, and he saw Pogos in Harry's freezer.

"And you!" Shouts Patty, "why are you letting him in?"

Harry huffs. "He's my boyfriend, I'm not going to let him starve." Louis purses his lips, remembering Harry flat out refusing to let him in earlier. Asshole.

"We have food at home."

"We have veggies at home, not food." Louis crosses his arms, wondering if the whole neighbourhood was awake now and listening to their exchange on the Styles' front yard. "You can all eat like rabbits, don't drag me down your hole too. Be happy I learned how to cook."

Jude runs a hand through her bed head, having rushed out of the bed the moment Patty called her about Louis and Harry arguing in the kitchen at three in the morning. "You made pogos."

"I did." Louis cocks his hip. "They were delicious."

"They were not." Harry immediately disagrees, standing by his mother. He was very distracting at the moment since he was shirtless with nothing but plaid pyjamas pants low on his hips and fuzzy slippers. "They were soggy." He wrinkles his nose.

"Excuse you, that's the last time I cook for you."

"You made them in the microwave!" Harry shrieks. "Do I not deserve pogos in the oven?"

"This again? This is what woke your mom up and got us caught." Louis raises a brow. "You want to wait twenty minutes or 60 seconds?"

"You didn't even get the pizza squeeze when I asked."

"I was eating." Louis states. "And who the hell eats pogos with pizza squeeze?"

"You do!" Harry exclaims, eyes wide and arms flailing. "You made me try it and wouldn't even pass it to me."

"So, you have legs. Why didn't you get it?"

Harry groans. Patty and Jude stand there in their own pyjamas and watch their sons argue. "You were using it, Louis. You wouldn't even give me a bit. Selfish prick."

"Oh, and again with the name-calling." Louis steps up to him and yanks Harry down by the chain around his neck. "If I had your dick in my mouth, I'd bite it off. Roll it in dough, make that into a fucking pogo and shove it down your throat."

"Harry Edward Styles!" Patty gapes, just noticing the shiny rings on her son's chest. "What the hell is on your nipples?!"

[this little blurb is inspired by this tweet:
"@Pornhub: Send nudes when you get home so I know you're safe."]

Even though Louis left the Styles residence quite heated—he still texted Harry when he got home.

nu-uh mister. u know what to do

Louis sighs. He walks into his bathroom and pulls down the band of his pants, facing away and taking a picture of his half-exposed behind in the reflection. He sends it to Harry.

Bite Me; larry stylinson [Top!Harry Bottom!Louis Feminine!Louis]Where stories live. Discover now