31. "He's gay, Petra!"

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"Why can't I be in the back?"

"Because you're a bottom."

Louis huffs, "bitch."

"And, also because a unicorn that is abnormally tall in the front and really stubby in the back is bound to give your sisters nightmares." Harry bends down and wraps his arms around Louis' waist. "You're so tiny." He kisses the cheerleader's bum, right over the white fabric of his jeans.

"Stop that." Louis kicks a leg back.

"Hey," from what Louis could see, it's his mother. She's standing in front of him with her hands on her hips. "Unicorns don't kick their own gut."

"Hi, Jude!" Harry shouts, his voice muffled by Louis' jeans.

"Hi, Harry." The woman chuckles, "is it too hot in there for you?"

"A little bi-"

Louis cuts him off. "He's fine." He reaches behind himself and pinches Harry's ear. "Right? You're fine because this if for my darling little sisters. Your boyfriend's little sisters who just love unicorns."

"Ow!" Harry bats away Louis' hand. "Stop it."

"That's enough, you two." Jude pats Louis' on his nose, well the unicorn's nose. "Practice walking around, we don't and you trampling any kids."

They obey. Though, they can't be in sync to save their lives.

"Harry! Stop stepping on me!"

"Then, walk faster!"

Louis felt ridiculous. He hated trying to balance himself with a heavy unicorn head, and also balance Harry because he was latched onto Louis' waist like a leech.

"This is horrible!" Louis groans, feeling Harry squash the back of his heel. It was far too early for this.

Harry's fingertips dig into Louis' hips as a warm puff of air sleeps through his shirt. "This is going to put a dent in our relationship." He could feel the frustration bubbling in his stomach. He pinched Louis' ass because the boy wasn't even trying to walk in sync.

Louis scoffs. "You think this is bad? I'm going to have to do this with some stranger."

"What?" Harry sits upright. The unicorn separates in half and it's strange to see a long sack of fabric hanging off Louis' bottom half where Harry used to be. "With a stranger?" Louis is just standing there, frozen with a unicorn head on. Harry takes it off and looks at Louis' messy hair. "Explain."

"Well," Louis slips out of the costume and leaves it hanging off his hips. "We may or
may not be celebrating the twins' birthdays in California."

It takes a moment to settle in Harry's brain. He clenches his fists, "You're telling me, a complete stranger is going to have his face on your ass."

"Well, when you say it like that it sounds dirty!" Louis crosses his arms.

"You are not doing this with a stranger." Harry throws his arms up. "You are not doing this with anyone but me!"

Louis groans loudly, he always sounds like a whale when he does. "That's not your choice. It's for my sisters, Harry. I have to do this."

Harry pouts deeply. He stomps his foot like a child. "I'm going home to shower and change. I am sweaty and have a boner from having my face on your ass. Be ready in an hour." Then he turns around and leaves, undressing on the way to the exit of the Tomlinson backyard and leaves his half of the costume and the head on the patio.

Louis falls onto the ground dramatically. Harry was so stupidly jealous sometimes, but so was Louis. They must be perfect for each other. Stupidly perfect.

Bite Me; larry stylinson [Top!Harry Bottom!Louis Feminine!Louis]Where stories live. Discover now