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Stiles walked in wearing what seemed to be new clothes, and he looked good. Like really good.

Wait what? That's Stiles. Skinny, defenceless, sarcastic Stiles. The one who falls all the time, and who's face turned red consistently, and who always looked so adorable, and- No. Stiles was not adorable. He was annoying and sarcastic and hyperactive, and angry when he didn't get his coffee in the morning. Which was kinda cute honestly. Oh my god, so not the point.

I shook my head to clear it, and I got a whiff of Stiles's amazing scent, and it was like I was put in a trance. It just smelled so good.

Oh god. I'd been staring.

Stiles cleared his throat and looked around the room.

"Looking good Stilinski" Jackson commented.

"Uh, thanks" He stuttered, face turning that adorable beet red. "Lydia, Erica, and I went shopping, and they refused to let me out if I wasn't wearing my new clothes."

"Yep, that sounds like them" Jackson and Boyd said in unison.

The pack chuckled and Stiles looked at his feet.

I got lost in thought again, he just looked so adorable when he was embarrassed. And he got all nervous and quiet, which was not only cute, but an incredible miracle.

I sat there for a while, thinking about all the things I loved, admired, about him, deciding that I was definitely attracted to Stiles. But it wasn't like he would ever reciprocate the feelings. I mean, he said it himself, I was Mr. tall, dark, and broody. Not anyone that someone as perfect, and happy as him would ever have feelings for. So I sat in silence, admiring his beauty from afar, knowing that, between us, nothing would ever happen.

I was still thinking about that when I hear a throat clear. I looked over and see Deaton, remembering the reason I had called a meeting in the first place.

"Oh, right. Okay, well, Scott, Stiles, I know you've met most of the pack, but there are two, very important members, or people, you haven't yet. This is Peter, my crazy, creepy uncle" I introduced as his eyes narrowed, "And this is Deaton."

Stiles waved from the front of the room where he hadn't moved from, and Scott greeted him with a 'hi' from the couch, sitting with Isaac. I cocked my head at the pair, but left it be for the time being.

"So, Deaton, not to sound rude or anything, but, um, what are you?" Stiles asked curiously.

"I'm a veterinarian, but I am also an emissary" Deaton answered.

"And that is?"

"Well, mainly an emissary provides the pack with information on supernatural creatures. However, I also know a lot about supernatural weaknesses, diseases and the like, and how to heal from them, so I also tend to take care of them after a fight."

"Oh," Stiles said. "So you're a human too?"

"Yes I am."

"Wow, cool."

"Yes. It is indeed."


I talked to Deaton, and it was really cool to learn that, even though he was human, he did a lot for the pack. It was also cool because, as expected, Peter was a nine, but surprisingly, Deaton was too.

"You're very powerful Deaton" I stated, not really a question.

The vet looked at me quizzically, but before he could ask me anything, Peter decided to join the conversation,

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