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A/N I decided to change the events of the alpha pack, so it won't be very similar to what actually happened. The main idea, however, is the same (There is a pack of alphas after Derek's pack). If that doesn't interest you then don't read it.


I wake up feeling dazed and weak. When I looked up I was expecting to see the ceiling of my room, but instead I saw rusted, metal pipes. I went to sit up, but I realized I was strapped down and I couldn't. I looked down and saw my arms were cuffed to a table, in the middle of a dingy, rusted room.

My heart started to pound and my breath came out in short, quick gasps. My hands started to shake and my throat felt like it was closing up. I was terrified, and I was having a panic attack. Great. I had to calm down, but I had no idea how. I'm always with Scott or my dad when this happens and they calm me down, so I have no idea what to do.

Okay Stiles, what does Scott usually do when this happens? Fuck, I don't know, I can't remember. What does he do?! Oh god. I can't breath. I'm going to die. I'm going to fucking die without ever telling Derek about my feelings. Oh shit. Damnit, the last time I talked to him I was yelling at him. That can't be the last time I talked to him! It just can't! I have to see him again. I have to see those forest-green eyes and the way he smells like the woods and kinda like leather from the stupid jacket he always insists on wearing.

My heart beat slows a little.

Who's going to help him the next time he breaks down about his family. I'm the only that knows he does that! No one else will know to help him! He was so broken that night I have to make sure he doesn't have to go through that again. I hated seeing him so sad. Those tears and that ragged breathing made my heart break. He can't through that alone again.

My heart rate picks back up again.

I can't die, I need to make him smile again. Oh that smile. The way it slowly makes its way onto his face. And the way his eyes crinkle in the corners. And those adorable little dimples. I need to see him again.

Slowing down.

The way he's so protective over the pack, even if he doesn't show it. The way he took Scott and I into the pack without hesitation. The way that, even though he growled a lot, he was a big softie. I can't leave him.

My heartbeat was back to normal.

'Okay Stiles,' I think to myself, 'Next time you have a panic attack just think about Derek.'

I look around the room and actually take in my surroundings. The room I was in was dark and gross. Everything was cement and bare. The walls, the floor, the ceiling. Everything. There was a small window in the left corner of the wall in front of me, but it was covered with bars. There was a door to the right of it too. It was large and definitely metal, and it was closed and locked with a deadbolt I'm sure

Aside from myself and the table I was strapped on, the only other thing in the room was a small toilet.

I think about how my dad usually solves something like this. The first thing he does is try to find the who, when, and how, so that's what I do.

The last thing I remember was Scott climbing through my window last night. Although, I never actually turned to look, so that was more than likely to have actually been my kidnapper. Okay, well then that was easy. They came into my room last night and took me I guess. They also must've drugged me to have kept me asleep through all of that.

Okay. How, check. Now onto why.

I didn't have many enemies. Well, unless you count that kid in 3rd grade that I punched because he took Scott's toys, but I don't think it's him. Maybe Scott got sick of all of the dog jokes?
Who am I kidding, he can't tie his shoes, let alone plan a kidnapping. I chuckle to myself.

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