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I awake on the floor of my original room and groan in pain. My head was pounding and my jaw was sore. I hesitantly look down at my body, afraid of what I would see. My eyes fall upon cuts, they litter my limbs, and dry blood caked to my shredded clothes. Bile rises in the back of my throat as I look away, the image of my sliced body parts seared in my mind.

I fall back on the floor, energy draining even on the simple task. As I sit, I think, as I have nothing else to do. My mind wanders far and wide, and eventually, I think back to last night, or what I'm assuming was last night. My body shudders as the mere thought, but I know, if I want to get out of here, I need to try and remember everything.

My mind retraces the conversations, meticulously retracing each and every sentence, looking for any word, any sound, any action that could be important. Anything that could help me escape.

Suddenly, I realize that, in all my pain and suffering, I never payed attention to their strength, their power. I was so focused on not yelling out, not crying, that I missed a potentially decisive detail. I ponder this, and sadly, I know what I have to do. As much as I can speculate, there is only one way to truly know how powerful they are, how much damage they can do.

I take a deep breath, calm my racing heart, mask my scent, and I yell.

"You bitches. You're so weak that you have to leave me here to rot. You can't even finish me off yourselves. How pathetic are you?! It's honestly sad. And you expect me to be afraid of you-" I scoff trying to cover my true terror- "I can't believe you've made it this long. It's only a matter of time before the pack is here, and when they get here, good luck. You won't last a second."

I stay silent after that, waiting for the women to come, praying the punishment wasn't too harsh.

I hear heavy footsteps and my hands start to shake. As much as I tried to hide it, as much as I did hide it, I was truly terrified of what was to come. Terrified of what they were going to do to me.


I had the entire pack searching for Stiles, for the new pack, for anything, and we still have nothing.

They were good, and, as much as I tried to hide it, as much as I did hide it, I was truly terrified of what was to come. Terrified of what they were going to do to him.

My blood boiled at the thought. Stiles was my pack, no he was my family, and that sorry excuse for a pack wasn't going to lay a hand on him if I could help it.

I was walking with Scott and Isaac through the forest, trying to find any semblance of a lead that could help us find him.

Suddenly, I heard a crack to my left, and the unmistakable sound of boots on dead leaves. MY head whipped to the side, and I froze, zeroing in on the noise. I could hear three heartbeats, I could smell three werewolves, and I knew, this was the new pack.

Three large men step out of the shadows, well, a man and two boys, and they stare us down.

I turn my head to my betas, silently asking them to let me take the lead, and quietly, the two stepped behind me. I put my sight back on the werewolves in my territory, and I growl, low and threateningly.

"Where is he?"

"Somewhere you won't be able to get to him. Don't worry, he's in good hands. Kali and Kate are the best around. I might be a bit worried about how long your little human will last though, those girls can be ruthless.

I don't growl this time, I roar, flashing my eyes and letting my claws release.

"Tell me where he is, and keep your filthy hands off of him!" I boom, making Isaac flinch.

"No can do," one of the young one says, "Alpha's orders," says the other. And together they flash their eyes, along with the man with them.

My heart plummets. All three of them have red eyes.

I hear the rest of the pack arrive, coming upon hearing my roar, but, thankfully, they have the common sense to stay back, hiding in the brush.

The alphas seem to hear it too, for they turn abruptly, disappearing in turn back into the shadows of the forest, but not before smiling menacingly.

I sniff deeply, seconds after the leave, committing their scent to memory. Sure, I may not be able to find Stiles alone, but I can track them now, follow them back to where they are hiding him.

I turn around slowly, gesturing for the rest of the pack to step out of the shadows. They do, and they gather around me. I take a deep breath and say,

"I know you are all worried about Stiles, and trust me, I am too, but he's strong. If anyone can get through this, it's him. And, we might not be able to find him on our own, but that pack didn't seem to realize that we can track them, follow their scent back to wherever it is they're hiding, and we can get Stiles back. We can get him back and we will."

Silently, I send the same promise to him, knowing I will do everything I can to get him back. And I know he can't hear it, but I promise to find him, to keep him safe, to protect him and never let him down again.

The rest of the pack howls, sealing the promise, and together we stalk into the night, determined to find the pack member we so desperately need, the brother we can't live without.

A/N Sorry it's been so long since I've updated. I just got back from vacation and today is the first day that I've actually had my computer or the time to sit down and write. I should be updating consistently again though, so don't worry!

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