Chapter 16 - Hurting

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Ahh, Tae this is all because of you. It's hard enough staying away from Hobie, and you want me to stay away from all of my only friends? You're lucky I'm doing this. It's only for you..

It only took that one look in his eyes and I threw my arms around Hobie, holding him as tight as I could, not wanting to let go.

His strong arms wrapped around me too and I began sobbing on his shoulder.

"I-I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." I squeezed him tighter, then pried my arms from him and picked up my bags, running into the school before he could protest to me leaving.

~ Hoseok's POV ~

I quickly got up and grabbed my own bag, trying my best to keep up with Y/N when I heard my phone make a beeping sound, indicating a notification was there.

I stopped running and opened my phone quickly, urgent to catch up to Y/N. The screen lit up and showed a message.

Y/N: Hobie I'm so sorry. Please don't hate me, forgive me

Y/N: I will still text you

Me: Y/N what's going on

Me: You ran from me and said sorry

Y/N: Nothing is going on

Me: Y/N don't lie, you were crying

Y/N: I'm not lying

Me: I'm going to find out so there is no use

I thought deeply for a minute before replying. 

Me: Wait, wait, does this have to do with Taehyung

Y/N: What

Y/N: Not at all

Y/N: Maybe but everything is fine

I got enough information from her, so I decided to end our conversation.

Me: Bye Y/N

I shoved my phone into my pocket and resumed my way past the doors to the vacated hallways. I'm going to figure it out..

~ Taehyung's POV ~

I watched Y/N run into the school with tears creating a damp path down her pale cheeks. What happened? I shrugged and thought nothing of it as I wondered around the outside of the school until I found the people I was looking for.

"Hey Tae." My dongsaeng Kookie greeted me with a bunny smile I couldn't resist. I smiled widely back at him and hugged him before doing the same with the other guys.

Jin gave me a worried and puzzled look, parting his lips slightly, closing them, then opening them again. "Tae where is Y/N? I didn't see her come yet." He stared at me intently as I spoke without hesitation.

"She ran into the school but I don't know where she went after that. She looked like she as crying but she'll be alright." I plunged my hands into my pockets and cast a quick glance at the crowd of students gathering in their own group of friends, turning my head back to face Jin Hyung. 

He smacked me hard on the back of my head and glared at me before his voice sounded in my ears. "Y/N is your girlfriend, right?"

"Yeah, why?" Extremely confused, I inspected Jin's face carefully, finding nothing but pure anger radiating from him.

He just glared at me even more intensely and turned around, stomping back to our group. I don't understand, what's going on? Maybe I should ask Y/N. 

~ Y/N's POV ~

I stopped by the cafeteria, panting heavily as I leaned against the wall and slowly slid down to the floor. I took out my phone and opened up Hobie's contact and began texting him.

Me: Hobie I'm so sorry. Please don't hate me, forgive me

I continued texting him and he replied. But then he suggested that this had to do with Tae, leaving me jungshook. Does he know?? 

I denied it and then he said bye. I put my phone away and went into the bathroom to clean my face off since it was probably coated in my tears, most of them dried.

As I finished cleaning myself up, I leaned against the sink stared into my dark eyes full of dejection and and misery. How am I already like this?  I got into my first relationship with Tae and I feel terrible. I shouted to myself, "Why am I doing this??" I deeply sighed and looked down to the floor.

I shook my head to clear my mind and finally walked out of the bathroom only to find Hobie standing outside.

"Y/N what happened with you and Taehyung?" Hobie looked into my eyes seriously with a hand placed on my shoulder. I turned my head to the side to prevent him from seeing my regretful expression. 

"N-nothing. Everything is great!" I forced the biggest smile I could muster onto my lips and made my voice sound happy, even though it faltered and ended up sounding like I was holding in tears.

Hobie studied my eyes for a while before smiling and hooking his arm with mine, dragging me to our first class. Thank goodness I don't have my first class with Tae or he'd freak out.

~ Hoseok's POV ~

I eventually arrived by the cafeteria after checking several other places for Y/N. I heard someone who sounded just like her yell in the girl's restroom, so I stopped outside of it and pretended to be busy on my phone as the girl walked out. I looked up to see Y/N looking at me and I decided to question her in person.

"Y/N what happened with you and Taehyung?" I stared intently at her to try to make her tell me the truth but it didn't work.

"N-nothing. Everything is great!" She smiled a fake smile and sounded like she was holding something back as she spoke. I decided to give in and profess a cheerful voice, looping my arm with hers and leading her to our first class.

I guess I will just have to deal with it for now but I will find out the truth. I hate seeing Y/N getting hurt..

Hiii!! Thank you for reading! 

 \I'm not sure about how everyone feels about my story so far so could you vote or leave a comment if you want me to continue writing? It would be very helpful so I could see what my readers think. Even 1 or 2 votes would be perfectly fine with me, just as long as I know someone wants me to continue. And vote on this chapter only if you choose to and you want me to continue writing. 

Once again, thanks for reading 

Bye :D

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