22. Hurting

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I was just chilling. Catching up on Netflix when I heard a knock on my door.

"Go away," I call out.

Brysen opened the door, "Are you mad at me?"

"Mad that you don't know what go away means."

"I'm serious," he claimed.

"No. Why would I be mad? Because you care about protecting his feelings more than mine?" I asked.

"He's hurting. You... You're no-" He was saying.

"You don't think I'm hurting?! That's were I was that day. I was hurting. I felt and feel like a complete idiot. I knew something happened but I was to blinded to really focus on it. Does nobody even realized that he literally CHEATED ON ME?!?"

"Look shh," he said sitting on my bed. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I should've been there for you."

He gave me a tight hug and it made me feel so safe.

I felt better. I feel like he thought I was going to cry which I wasn't so I spoke on it.

"I'm not going to cry if that's what you think," I said.

"Of course."

After awhile we talked and then he left my room. I was tired so I went to sleep.

The next morning

I was getting dressed when I noticed something in my closet. It was a bunch of small little items from Geo. Like necklaces and things like that. I decided to return them to him. I grabbed a envelope and placed them in it. I threw on some clothes and shoes and headed to his place. I walked of course, and finally made it.

I walked to the porch and opened the mail box. I placed the envelope in it and as soon as I closed it, someone opened the door.

It was..it was Michael.

I've only seen him in pictures or post on Instagram.

A caption: "Don't get stuck in the pass you'll miss out on the future" I actually thought about that a lot. He was handsome and looked nothing like Geo, at first, but the more you look at him the more their similarities stuck out.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

"Who are you talking to Mic-" Geo said walking to Michael until he saw me. "Courtney, what are you-"

"Exactly. What are you doing here? Haven't you hurt my brother enough?" Michael said.

"I-I-I.." I stuttered. I wasn't expecting that at all.

"Leave," Michael said.

I followed his instructions and started to walk my way back home.

"Michael chill," Geo said. He ran to me. "Court. What did you want? Why did you come here?"

I glanced up at the mailbox. He's not going to be so quick to run after me when he sees that. "Nothing Geo. Nevermind."

He grabbed my hands, which was bold. It grabbed me by surprise. I guess it was easy to tell because he let them slowly go.
"Ar-are you sure? Look I'm sorry I-" He was saying.

"Geo honestly," I said. I was not in the mood for his apology. He's only apologizing because he got caught.

I just walked away. On my journey home Geo called.

"What?" I asked.

"Can we please talk?" He asked.

"No. No. And no."

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