32. Again and Again

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It was time for me to take my birth control but it wasn't where I left it. I went downstairs to ask Bry if he seen it and I saw Geo.

"Hey Geo," I said.

"Hey," he said. I was about to give him a hug but he dodged it. I just shrugged and asked Brysen what I came to ask him.

"Have you seen my birth control?" I asked him.

"No. Um is it in the bathroom?" He asked.

"No. I checked."

Geo wasn't really paying attention to me anymore so that's when I hugged him. And I heard something crinkle.

"Geo is that my birth control?" I asked

"No," he lied.

I snatched it from his pocket and it was my birth control.

"Geo why did you take this?" I asked.

"I told you yesterday, I'm ready," he said snatching it back.

"Geo! Are you crazy?! That has to be illegal."
I looked at Brys. "Brysen can you please tell this flamingo (*wink wink*) that it's not okay to steal your girlfriend's birth control because you think you guys are ready for a baby when you're not."

"Wait you're pregnant?" Brysen asked.

I let out a frustrated sigh. I mumbled my way out of the kitchen and up the stairs. I'm living with drunk people. That's the only explanation. They have to be drunk.

I went in my room and slammed the door. Why are they so stupid? I have to start hanging out with my girl friends more.

I started pasteing back and forth. I wanted to scream but instead I just laid in my bed and threw the covers over my head.

A couple of minutes later I heard a knock on my door. I was half asleep so I just did a sleepy moan.

Whoever it was opened the door and walked in. They squatted by me and said, "Baby?"

I knew it was Geo then, "Leave me alone Geo."

"I'm sorry," he said. "But.." He's not giving this baby thing up. "I think we're ready."

"Geo I'm not ready," I told him.

"No one's ever ready for a baby. Especially their first. But your instincts will kick in and even when you don't know what to do, you'll know what to do. And sure you'll make mistakes but I'll be there with you."

"Mistakes? This is a human life we're talking about. We don't have room for mistakes."

Then it dawned on me.
"Geo we aren't having a baby."

"Shhh shhh," he said. I felt his presence disappear and I opened my eyes. He went around on the other side of the bed and laid down.

He put his hands on my waist and I pushed them off. He did it again and I pushed them off. He did it again but this time slide his left hand down to my stomach.

I let them linger for and bit just because I liked the feeling but then I pushed them off again. He placed his hands on my waist once more. It was actually healing. He kept trying. Usually by then they would just give up. Usually by now they would have left. Actually a long time ago. But he's staying and trying. He loves me, for heaven's sake he wants to have a baby with me. I pushed his hands off one more time just to see if he would give up on me but he didn't. He placed his hand on my stomach again.

All of a suddenly I felt his lips on my cheek then my neck, "I love you Courtney."

I wasn't even mad anymore but I couldn't let him win, "Yeah whatever Geo."

It kinda killed me to say that. I don't want him to think I don't love him. I do. I always will. I could never stop. He knows but it still killed me. He gripped my waist a little tighter and got a little closer. Then I fell asleep.


I woke up and heard Geo. He peeked through the door and looked at me, "You up babe?"

I nodded.

"We have Chinese downstairs. You hungry?"

I nodded again.

"Well come on," he said motioning me towards him.

"Carry me," I told him.

"Awe. Does my babygirl want to be carried after she pushed me off of her like 12 times?"

I didn't answer for a second, "Yes she does."

He laughed then walked over to me. He picked me up bridal style and I wrapped my arms around his neck. I held on to him tight. I was so cold.

"Baby, I'm cold," I told him as he started walking.

"I know. I can feel you shaking."

"Here," he said. He put me down onto the bed then took off his sweatshirt. When he did a bit of his stomach showed and it was a beautiful sight. He gave me his sweatshirt that was so warm and smelled like him. He picked me back up and took me downstairs.

He pulled the chair out with his foot and then sat me down in it.

"Thanks," I said putting my head down on the table.

Brysen set some food down in front of me and I popped up.

"No one got crab rangoon?" I asked.

"I did," Geo said. "I got extra just for you."

Geo digged through the bag and gave me a smaller bag.

I opened it and shoved the crab rangoon in my mouth. It was like I haven't ate in three years.

"Woah slow down there," Bry told me.

Geo sat down next to me and smiled, "Don't worry about him." He put his hand on my stomach. "Feed my baby boy."

Brysen laughed and I rolled my eyes. I pushed his hand off of me.

"Get the fuck off of me," I said.

"Come on," Geo smiled. "I carried you I get at least one joke."

"You could have easily said no," I told him.

"Remember Geo, she just woke up. She's a little cranky," Brysen said.

"Ugh. Whatever," I said.


We finished eating and Geo was just staring at me.

"What?" I smiled. I liked the way he was looking at me. Like I was a breathe taking view.

"I don't know if it's the pregnancy glow-" I rolled my eyes. "Or what but you look extremely beautiful."

I blushed. He is so sweet even when he is be annoying as hell.

"Thank you," I said. "But I'm not pregnant."

"Ugh. I still hope you are."

"Geo-" I was saying.

"Shhh," he put his finger to my lips.

I grabbed his hand and took him upstairs. I sat him on my bed and grabbed his hand.

"What? Why did you bring me up here?" He asked.

Currently at school finna go tf to sleep.

Word count is 1,141

Ignore all spelling errors

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