Chapter 2

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I yawn as I start to wake up and look at my alarm clock. I nearly jump out of bed knocking everything off my side table as I quickly jump in my lilac purple skinny jeans with the same color tank top and a one shoulder long sleeve and slip into my black laced up combat boots. I quickly put my hair in a messy bun and grab my Polyvore bag. When I reach the kitchen I look at the tv noticing that the... Saturday news is on. I slowly walk to my room rip my shoes off having difficulty with the laces and put my face in my pillow. Before I can do anything I drift off into a dream. When I woke up I looked over at my side table remembering I had knocked everything off and slowly got back out of bed. When I looked down at the mess I picked my phone out of the pile and noticed I had a text from my best friend Brynn Colleen Kristian. Brynn was the girl I went to about everything we had been best friends since 2nd grade and we had made it all the way to 10th grade so far. She was basically my twin sister we had everything the same and we usually lived at each other's house. We even shared memories both good and bad. We had both been through so much in our past, even she had scars on her wrists to prove she was in pain. That's one thing we could always be there for each other about for sure. People could see us in public and think everything was normal about us just two average girls, but they'd be wrong cause they wouldn't be able to see under the fake smiles that we had to show most of the time.

That's one thing our friendship could help. Their wasn't one moment that we were together that we weren't smiling. Well, we even made each other laugh when we were crying we could always cheer each other up.

I think I was the only one in the friendship that was afraid of losing it all. But, as I hear her voice on phone as cheerful as usual we decide to meet at the coffee shop that we usually do.

The people round there are used to seeing us and always seem to smile and look at our wrists. It seems that their always checking to make sure theirs no new scars.


13 minutes after the call and I walk into Marlene's Coffee Shop right next to Cali's bookstore I always go to.

The smell of roasted coffee beans splurges past me as I walk to the farthest booth in the back corner that I meet Brynn at. She had just got to telling me about a guy she had met and went out with a couple of times by the time our usual dulce expressos are brought to us with two blueberry muffins to the side. While we talked and were enjoying our coffee heard the usual guitar playing in the back but when they started singing I knew it wasn't the usual singer. Talon had been sitting on a bar stool in front of a microphone with his wooden guitar strapped around him. His voice was amazing and I just imagined him being mine and him singing to me all day.

As I stared longingly at Talon singing and he finally finished, people were standing up and clapping and I had still been staring which made him notice. As Talon set his guitar gently back into its case he walked over to Brynn and I.

"May I join you" he asked as I gave Brynn 'the' glare. Brynn caught on to it after a second and remembered that I had been talking bout a guy of his exact description.

"Hi, Talon I'm Emerson's friend." She said offering to shake hands. Which Talon had given a confused look but then shaking hands I guess realizing I probably talked about him. "It's Brynn"

"Well, very good to meet you Brynn. And I'm so happy to see you still here Emerson" he said as he took the seat next to me.

As he sat next to me I could feel the warmth of his skin reaching mine and my face becoming flushed. He had smelt like red velvet cupcakes with the mixture of coffee which were my two favorite flavors.

Being this close to him, I was amazed I hadn't fainted yet. As Brynn got up and headed to the counter Talon pulled my hand to his side and and gently caressed the scars so lightly it was like having butterflies kiss them. He just stared at them for a second before pulling them towards his face and just slightly kissing them all. As Brynn came back over to the table for us to leave Talon slid out of the booth me following suit. Talon lead both of us towards the exit and politely held the door open as we thanked him.

As we walked away I suddenly turned back around noticing Talon walking away and with the somewhat courage I called his name.

With a smirk he turned around and whistled as he caught up to us.

"Well, ello again beautiful." He said as the three of us walked towards the park.

We had spent the rest of the day walking through the park and Brynn's boyfriend had came to hang with us.

We laughed as both boys pushed us on the swing with me slightly hesitating thinking I'd be to heavy for him to push.

As the time flew by for once Brynn and her boyfriend had left and Talon walked me home.

When I walk up to the front steps with Talon by my side I thank him for the day.

"Before, I go..." He says as he grabs both sides of my face gently as if I would break and he lightly touches my lips in twining his with mine.

I could tell my face had become as red as a tomato with it becoming inflamed.

"I enjoyed today, and I'd really like to see you again..." He said as he grabs my hand and kisses it like a royal.

After, watching him walk off and glare at me, I do a slight wave like the weirdo I am and unlock the door with the spare key under a loose step on the path way.

As I walk in I notice my great grandmother on the couch holding a baby blanket. Of course mother was gone probably getting drunk and I hoped she wouldn't come back this time. We made a deal we wouldn't bail her out so she would be stuck, she'd costed so much which is why we were so badly in debt. My father not paying child support didn't help anything since he had left doing drugs and getting high every night.

As I walked farther in the house and sat on the couch little Braxton ran up to me and jumped in my lap. Braxton Porter Lancaster... My son with his perfectly curly dirty blonde hair and ocean blue eyes that turned grey when he was tired.

Nobody really knew I had a son except Brynn cause she loves seeing him which we usually take him to the park together.

He would soon be turning 3 in a week and we had a big party planned. People that see me in town with him only know half the story. I had been brutally raped at the age of 14. It was all over the news for a year and half I was the cover of the paper. All the attention never helped my self consciousness.

I just hoped that even if Talon did find out he would understand and not leave like what seemed to be happening with everybody else around me. The people staring, whispering trying to hide it, but failing.

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