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Newt cant stop looking at her.

She was talking with Minho, she was smiling with him, Newt was fuming to see her with him. He was scared she could loved Minho. But she looked at him, she just blushed and smiled to him. Newt can't hide his smile and he keep it for the rest of the evening.

When everyone was asleep, Newt went out of his room and knock a her door. Almost fidgeting.

She opened the door, her blue eyes feel with sleep, she was wearing a plain shirt and a blue short. She was so cute ! he thinks as she rub her eyes.

'What she yawning at him her eyes almost closed, smiling at him.

'Just come with me he answer

As they walked together, Newt slowly take her hand intertwined their fingers together. they finally seat on the root of a tree and stay there in silence for almost ten minutes.

'I... I ....' begin Newt ' I don't know how to say, it's really frustrated' continue Newt

'Maybe act can be better' she said to him, gently smiling at me

So he did it, he just kissed her.

Thomas hold his chest slightly surprised. He felt her, he felt her crying and suffering. He just want to go and meet her and hold her but he can't he doesn't know who she is or where she could be. He only have the feeling that she know and doesn't want to meet him.

And it destroyed him on the inside.

He was also extremely frustrated, his mind and his body. He want to hold her touch her and more, so much more but he can't.

It's like she doesn't want him but he feel the bond that linked them together, that bond who lived and survived many years and many life. It's like he lived many times but during almost all those life he didn't even see her smiling at him, like he didn't have the chance to do it.

Like he died each time.

He lit up another cigarette, watching the sky almost prying to meet her. He would like to die just to meet her again.

He doesn't really remember when the link was created, when they fall in love for the first time but he remember her long blond hair and her big blue eyes, the way she looked at him, her eyes filled with love and her warmth.

Thomas is also a little afraid of his own reaction, the bond is so strong he doesn't know how he will react when he will seen her. His body is so strain, he could just rape her if saw her. He know that he will never let her go, he will choose to die than losing her, again.

'So that's where you are' saying a voice in his back 'everyone searched you'

'I just went out to smoke Dylan' answer Thomas smiling at him, hiding his sadness.

'You are worried ?' ask his friend looking at the sky, his hands in his pockets.

'I felt a pain in my chest just like she was crying, like she was in pain and I wasn't there to embrace her, to comfort her.' He said looking at the ground. 'If I don't meet her in the autographs sessions, I will stop searching for her and just let the madness took me. I can't take it anymore.

'No ! You can't. Don't give up so soon. You will find her, its just not the good moments.' Dylan said his hand on Thomas' shoulder slightly shake him, fear in his eyes.

'I can't hold it anymore ! I have the feeling that she know who I am and where I am but she never come. It's like she don't want to see me! Every night I felt pain in my chest but its not mine, its her. She suffer because we didn't meet and despite that fucking pain she never come to me. She never tried to meet me like she doesn't loved me anymore, like she doesn't want to love or being loved by me. Now I'm just alone feeling the pain, she create and accept... She don't want me....' Dylan just hold him, a strong hug to comfort his friend who was crying there. That the only thing he can do for him.

Every day he saw his friend smiling and laughing with everyone but he know that Thomas just want to scream, to cry because he can't see her. His soul mate.

His own soul mate refuse to meet him.

Dylan let his friend cry for almost an hour in that cold street in his arms. Only the stars saw that scene.

He really want Thomas to find his soul mates and be happy and loved by her.

Thomas was silently crying, holding his chest. He want to meet her so bad. He want her love, he want her.

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