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Newt couldn't take his eyes off  her. She was changing turning her back from him but he didn't miss a thing, he didn't miss anything piece of skin she shown. He licks his lips again and again, as a smile can't move out of his face.

-Newt has been looking at you, said Teresa as she go out with other clothes on her back while Newt turn around

-I know, she said with the same smile he has and her cheeks all red.

Thomas just wanting to scream, to cry. Every part of his body was aching, it feel like his body just want to collapse, to be satisfied, to be with her. But he finally saw her, the love of his life, his soul mate and she just turn away for him. She reject him, she don't want to be with him or near him. She don't loved him anymore or she is disgusted by him ?

He feel it this feeling inside of his chest, a warmth, her warmth. He feel her just like she was holding his heart. He heard her saying those word he was craving for to hear, those who bonded them together and forever.

His body move slowly, he begin to walk. He didn't see anyone or heard anyone. He just want to go to her. He slowly continue walking and just begin to run. He run after her, after his soul mate.

Shannon was running, she was crying and all her body burned because he want to go back to his other half, she trying to forget that pain as she continue to run. She doesn't even know if she was crying because she finally saw him or because she is running away from him. She was so satisfied to see him so happy to feel that warmth into her chest. She wanting him to embraced her just like he was doing it in the glade, she's wanting to be and feel love by him again but she just remember all the way he die in front of her, all those life she ended alone and mad. She remembered feel him lose his life, feel that half who complete her fading away, she remembered that coldness who was slowly killing her. She don't want it anymore.

A strong grip make her stop from running, all of her body just shiver. She feel that satisfying warmth, what she want for years, for life as her body was burning, she search for air trying to don't look at him, trying to don't see him. The heat was unbearable, so strong like the feeling who flow in her, those feeling in the bond, his feeling....

As the tears was flow out of her she was drown by his feeling, his love.

They just stay there, their eyes didn't meet, their feeling neither. Shannon don't look at him and Thomas was searching her eyes, for her love.

'Where were you ?' he just ask her, trying to catch his breath 'Why didn't you came to see me ? You know who I was, I feel it but you didn't come, like you don't want to come or don't want me' he end his sentence in a whisper while he is looking at the ground.

She don't answer him, she couldn't contain her tears. She was feeling so guilty, so shameful.

'Why don't you came ? Why do you try to go away from me ? You decided to suffer than meet me. Why ?' he almost screamed at her, scream filled with fear.

'I don't want to live it again' she answer him, her voice shaking ' you remember now. I don't have to tell you. You know that.'

'I knew that I died everytime but I was able to see you, to know you to see your face. I was able to remember the one I mate with, the other part of my soul. I can tell you that I loved you again and I don't care if I die again'

'I will be alone again !' she screamed 'I will have to see you die again. I will have to continue my life without you !'

'Just like now, I was searching for you. Hoping to meet you, wishing to be you again. I was alone and desperate to not see you. If I die without seeing you, even in the death I will be in the madness ! Why do you came here if in the end you just flee ? why ?'

They stay there without looking at each other, Shannon was crying, she couldn't breathe or talk.

She just turn around looking at him, they stay there looking at each other. A flame begin and she couldn't contain it. She look at his face, those cheekbones, his frown eyebrows and his lips.

Those lips he use to tell her his feeling those lips he kissed her with. In all their life he never change, he always keep the same face, the same smile.

Without thinking, she softly brush his lips with her finger. They were soft, warm like always. She know the way he used to kiss, the way his arms embrace her and how their body almost become one.

Then she remember where she is and what she was doing and with who.

He's going to die by my fault again, she think as she violently back off like she has been burn by him.

She feels guilty when she see in his eyes the sadness of her rejection.

'I can't...' She whisper, don't look at him. She raise her eyes to him, surprised when she feel his hand around her arm.

He was moving his head left and right, his eyes feel with fear and just embrace her.

He was crying, her love was crying because of her. She felt in the bond his fear, his sadness.

She broke his heart.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2019 ⏰

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