Chapter 14 - Colton

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I now understand Mr. Black's angst. The Valicenti boys were the ones that Connor warned me about when I came in and there I was associating with one. That must be why Hunter was annoyed too. They're probably part of an opposing gang or something. God, this is going to be hard to adjust to. I'm used to just talking to whoever whenever I feel like it, now I'm going to have to worry about who not to talk to and about what.

"I'm sorry about that, I didn't know who he was. Connor warned me about the Valicentis and then Hunter got pissed off when he walked me to the door, and I don't know you just seem like you're with the two of them and so you must hate the Valicentis too and-" I ramble.

"Diana, it's fine, you didn't know," he says with a sigh.

"I know but-" I start again.

"Seriously, it's cool." He rubs the back of his neck in a way that reminds me of Connor. "Would you like to, uh, get out of here?"

This is what I've been waiting for. My plan is on its way to working.

"Sure," I agree in what I hope came out as a casual tone. I don't want to sound too eager. He might think I'm a hooker or something then. Oh my god, what if he does think I'm a hooker? Oh my gosh, that would be awkward. Like after the fact he tries to offer me money? I would die of embarrassment. I don't think I look that hookery. But what do I know, I've never actually met a hooker. Well, I've met Ally Kandry and she's probably slept with about the same amount of people that an experienced hooker has. But still, I really hope he doesn't think I'm a hooker. That is not ideal.

"Okay." Mr. Black smiles and takes my hand, weaving us through the endless sea of people.

This is it, it's happening. My plan is working. I shoot Jared a quick victory text while Mr. Black isn't looking. Mr. Black. Weird to call someone solely by their last name, sounds too much like a teacher to me. Eww, hooking up with a teacher? Not happening. Back home, any teacher worth hooking up with was one of those student teachers that were only there for like a month. Okay, no. Off the teachers.

"What's your first name?" I ask. Maybe he'll tell me now?

"All in good time. I suspect it'll slip sooner or later," he mutters in a hushed tone that he must not think I can hear. It's probably just something embarrassing like Bart or Mort.

I sigh and follow him out the doors into the cool, night air. I've always liked the night. Everything feels more private and like 10x awesomer in the night. Even taking a walk is more epic. Someone takes a walk during the day, that's great, they're getting exercise along with most of the elderly population of their city. Now they take a walk during the night, they're a shifty bitch, people are probably going to be avoiding them because they're such a damn badass. They might as well be wearing a trench coat near a playground because they're just that suspicious. I prefer the night for such reasons.

Mr. Black leads me to a silver car similar to Connor's, but not the same model. I suspect it's from the same company or something.

"Shot gun!" I yell. I let go of his hand and sprint as fast as I dare in these heels to the passenger side of his car. Probably unnecessary, but fun nevertheless.

He laughs and unlocks it. I duck inside and nearly hit my head on the top of the car as I do so. I've never really been the graceful type.

Mr. Black joins me and he speeds off immediately. He is a freaky driver. He's not a bad driver, he just insists upon driving thirty or more miles per hour over the speed limit. I'm quite honestly surprised that his glove box isn't bursting open with speeding tickets. But not one cop approaches us, they either just don't notice us or just don't care. I suspect the former because we're seriously speeding.

We arrive like ten minutes later at a huge apartment building. It's actually really nice which makes me wonder what he does for a living. I guess I never really got around to asking him much. Eh, that's okay. This is just a last minute fling anyways, it's not like I'm going to have to marry the guy.

He enters the lobby and there's an older man seated behind the desk who nods in Mr. Black's direction. Mr. Black takes my hand and gazes down at me as we wait for the elevator. I smile at him. The elevator dings. We enter the elevator and he wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me closer. I like being close to him. I like him. Then, realization dawns on me.

"Um, wait a second, how old are you?"

"Twenty two, why?" He raises an eyebrow at me quizzically.

"I'm seventeen. I don't want you to get in trouble for this." Mr. Black is by no means a rapist and I don't want him to be charged as such if push comes to shove.

He laughs slightly as the elevator approaches the designated floor. "I don't think I'll be getting in trouble for anything. But I appreciate the concern."

"You might be," I say as I push him back against the elevator wall. He wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me in tighter. I make the first move and before I know it, we're reenacting how we met.

The elevator is hot which just makes it all sexier in general. The elevator dings and I don't even stop.

He moves one hand off of me and something clicks and soon enough, the doors open. Mr. Black slowly moves me backwards into the apartment and as soon as I'm against the nearest wall, he steps back.

"What?" I ask, relatively breathless.

"We can't do this," he says.

"Sure we can," I say. I start kissing him again. What is his problem?

He sighs and gently pushes me back. "Diana, no. You don't even know me."

I pout my lips and sigh. "Yes, I do, you're Mr. Black."

He nods. "Yes, you're right. I am Mr. Black. Mr. Colton Black."

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