Chapter 16 - Rich Bitches

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"Due to the general lack of egg, milk, or anything that could qualify as breakfast food, do you have anything against cold pizza?" he asks, digging through his fridge.

I shake my head and take a seat at the other side of the island, smiling slightly at his version of making breakfast.

Colton sets an extra large box on the counter space in front of me.

I pivot it half way around so we can both reach it.

He tosses the top back to reveal 3/4 of a ten-topper. Hells yes. I'm starving.

A moment after we both take a slice, he begins, "I'm sorry about last night."

I sigh. "It's fine."

"I shouldn't have tricked you like that. It's just...I didn't want you to be biased when you met me. I didn't want you to start assuming things based on the situation without knowing me," he explains.

Damn, and that was definitely what I was doing. How does this guy know me so well already?

I sigh again and swallow my pride. "I understand where you're coming from." It was a fairly smart move, but I would never admit that much to him.

He smiles slightly and reaches for another piece of pizza.

I still really don't want to like him. That won't change.

There's a silence for quite a while until he breaks it. "If you didn't hate me before, you will now...I seriously am sorry, but you have to go to school. At least until you turn eighteen. You can drop out then, if you want. I wouldn't suggest that, but whatever floats your boat."

I really should graduate. It's not even an option not to, really. Back home, I was in a dual enrollment program so I could become a nurse right out of high school. It was pretty tough but the time saved would be worth it.

"I'm going to graduate, but do you have some sort of dual enrollment kind of thing? I was working on that," I ask. I am so not about to have just wasted most of my high school career on a degree that I won't even get.

"I'm not busy tomorrow. I could take you around to different schools and you could pick one that you like," he offers.

I nod and smile. "That would be nice." I can be nice to the guy without liking him as a person. That's probably what he's doing with me right now.

"Awesome. Well, in the meantime, we should probably get a head start on all these boxes." He gestures around the room at the epic box formations.

"It's gonna take some time," I reply, not knowing if I was even referring to the boxes.


After several hours of unloading and moving and shifting and arguing and throwing and eating and whining and general unpleasantness, we're not even finished unpacking. I still have a few boxes left but Colton left two hours ago after he got a call and I kinda gave up on it after that.

Now, peanut butter cuddles with me in my lap while a Friends marathon distracts me from life for a while. I scoop a TV-lit bite of peanut butter out of the jar and into my mouth. I don't think I'll ever get tired of this nutty goodness. Like ever. Peanut butter is life. I could honestly live a happy life in a cabin with no doors or windows that is stocked with a lifetime supply of peanut butter. Ah, what a wonderful world that would be. Although, with my luck at this point, I'd probably end up stuck in that world with a peanut allergy.

My eyelids begin to grow heavy, so I go put the peanut butter away in an effort to stay awake. All I end up with in the end is peanut butter deprivation and a lack of knowledge of what happens at the end of this episode.

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