The Truth

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Jasmine’s POV:

            I was so fucking aggravated, and I mean fucking aggravated, after that damn charity event. I mean I was a little shocked that Genesis was there with Eli and then the fact that he tried to get me on a date with him, but I switched that shit around real quick when I found a way to get Lance to come with me and meet the boys. The fact that Lance was there was shocking too.

            No what I’m fucking pissed off about it the fact that my boyfriend, who says he’s in love with me, and makes me feel bad about not reciprocating those feelings, makes a damn fool of himself in front of me, my friends, and most of all the father of my children. It’s bad enough that Genesis doesn’t want me around him, but now he’s giving him more ammo as to why I shouldn’t be with him because the boys will absolutely detest him. It will only contribute to his anit-Lance movement that him, Sasha, and Eli (secretly) have formed.

            “The dumbass is gonna lie when he sees me there, and he thought I wasn’t going to figure out,” I said over the phone to my mother.

            “How do you know he lied?” she asked.

            “Eli was like he bumped into him earlier, and Lance says that he must have confused him with someone else. No one looks like him there!” I shouted. “And to top it all off when I go back inside he pays 1.5k for a date with some chick.”

            “Isn’t that half of what Genesis paid for your date?” My mother asked.

            “Exactly, so at this point I’m thinking he only wants a woman half as great as I am, he can’t handle me is what I’m getting from that,” I said.

            “Then what are you going to do with all this information?” My mother asked. I stopped at a red light. The whole time I was on the phone with my mother I was driving to Lance’s place to go get him for the outing we were going to have with the boys and Genesis. He decided that it was better to come than watch the game with Cheryl. I could talk to my mother because I know that she would give a neutral opinion despite the fact that she was rooting for Genesis. Sasha would just try to slander Lance’s name.

            “I think it’s time I have that fatal talk of an ultimatum,” I said laughing humorlessly.  

            “Well before you do let’s look at it from his point of view,” my mother started. “You did go to the event to dance and you were going to go out on a date with whoever paid the most, essentially. Let’s suppose it wasn’t Genesis, then you would have to just go out on a date with some random guy,” My mother said which got me thinking. Maybe I did overreact.

            “Thanks Mama, now I can avoid that. Maybe this day will turn out better than I thought it would have,” I said laughing.

            “Yeah, that’s what I’m here for,” My mother said.            When I pulled up to Lance’s apartment complex I sighed into the phone.

            “Alright lady, I’ll call you when this blows over,” I laughed into the phone.

            “Okay honey, bye,” my mother said hanging up.  I turned the Bluetooth on the car off before I got out and walked up to Lance’s apartment. I used my key to open the door and walked into the apartment. I walked around the apartment looking for Lance.

            “Lance!” I called. I walked to his room to make sure he wasn’t sleep.

When I opened the door I saw a naked Cheryl on him while they fucked like rabbits. “Huh,” Was my reply with a smirk on my face. I walked out of the room chuckling at what I saw.

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