Our Family

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Jasmine’s POV:


            I was moving up and down from a force under me, and the last time I checked my bed didn’t breathe. I opened my eyes noticing that I was on top of a wonderful surface of muscle that was breathing. When my brain decided to wake up with the rest of me I realized that Genesis stayed with me last night like I asked. I was so happy to have him in my life again.

            When I thought about when he came here a little more than a year ago, and how much I wanted him to just go away and suffer somewhere in a ditch, it makes me thankful that he stuck around for not only the boys but me as well. The fact that last night he was there for me more than I could have possibly asked for makes me feel so great and loved by this man. I smiled turning my face into his chest sniffing his strong masculine scent and I giggled like the little girl I used to be around him.

            “Glad to know you’re awake,” Genesis said smiling at me when I looked up.

            “Yeah,” was my only reply. Genesis chuckled at me and leaned down to kiss me on my forehead. There goes that “forehead kiss” again. That kiss was so powerful to me because when a man is above a woman looking down at her, he goes down to give her love and encouragement with that kiss instead of taking advantage of that disparity in power.

            I looked up at him and leaned forward to give him a kiss, “Thank you so much for last night. For everything from the time you’ve gotten here, I never really got to tell you that.”

            “You don’t have to thank me, it’s my job,” He said smiling at me. “You realize the boys are going to be getting up at any moment now right?”

            “Yeah, I know, I don’t know how I’m going to face them. I mean seriously I just came home and cried and freaked them the fuck out. Ugh!” I grunted dropping my face into his shoulder.

            “It’s fine, they were good little gentlemen taking care of their mother,” Genesis said stroking down my back. After a moment of silence he laughed.

            “What?” I asked sitting up.

            “Terrence was so worried about you that he didn’t even realize that I called him Bo,” He said chuckling at me.

            “Aww my little baby,” I cooed. “He probably will let you call him that now, he’s a daddies boy you know.”

            “Yeah not likely, as much as a daddies boy he is, he’s not going to let anyone but you call him that ever again. Besides Jr. is a die hard mamma’s boy.”

            “You are right, and he just as mean as a junk yard dog when it comes to someone messing with his brother.”

            “Yeah, those boxing classes are going to come in handy for little man, he’s starting to get coordinated,” Genesis complimented.

            “What about Bo?”

            “Well, he can do jumping jacks like nobodies business.”

            I laughed at that, aww my little Bo wasn’t going to be a fighter like his brother.

            “Well, hopefully one of these days, I’ll take him to one of my classes.”

            “Yeah, just not the dancing one,” Genesis said making me laugh.

            “I’m sure he wouldn’t want to be in that class,” I said.

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