Trenderman x werewolf! reader

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Y/n P.O.V.
I walked down the path of the forest and soon I got to the waterfall. I pulled off my backpack and sat it down on the ground. I took out my swimsuit and went behind a tree. I changed in to the swimsuit.

After I changed I started to climb to the big rock that the water was pouring out of

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After I changed I started to climb to the big rock that the water was pouring out of. When I reached the top I stood at the edge of the rock. I could see so much from here. It was astonishing, beautiful. I could see the forest far deep into it. I could see the town I go to. And I also see my mansion. I can hear the waterfall falling into the water below it. I smell the fresh air coming toward me and I could feel the mist from the water fill my hands. I could almost taste the water in my mouth. After I took in the beauty of the scenery I walk back on to the rock and ran. I jumped into the water with a big splash. I swam up onto the surface. After swimming for a while I got out of the water and got my towel and dried myself. First, I started to dry my ears and hair off, second, I dried my tail off, then, my torso, legs, arms, and face. After, I got my extra clothes I packed. I went behind a tree and started to undress myself. I got on my panties then my bra, black and white skeleton shirt, blue jeans shorts. I got my snack out of my bag. I started to eat my (favorite snack).

After a few minutes have past, I started to walk and sing to my favorite song, 'stay hear a little while'. Afterwards I checked the time and it was 3:59p.m. 'Only 2 more hours'. I started to walk out of the woods and toward my work. I was the owner of 'Fashionista Diva' as you can tell I own a fashion shop. My lines are the best in the whole world, literally, I have trophies, ever since 1993. I started the business when I was 18 about to turn 19. I had a pretty good job before hand. I moved out of my old home, where my mom lived, and got my own house. I was 16. I worked as a maid for a very welthy, kind, and old woman. Me and her was very close, she never judged me, she like me for me, even if I am a werewolf. One day she became very sick and told me to take care of her mansion, that it will all be handed down to me. She gave me her 'will paper', it tells what will happen to her belongings. They read it and it said what she said to me. It all goes to me. I signed the papers and I permanently had all her belongings. At that time that she died I was 17. I gave her a proper and beautiful funeral. When I saw her I cried everytime, I brought her, her favorite flowers and candles. I smile a sad one and said to her, "Thank you, I'm forever in your debt, ma'am."

When I got to work I was greeted by my employees. Ava greeted with a big smile 'She's so cheerful, I love it'. Aaron nodded. Destiny glared at me, she always thinks that I'm going to steal Aaron away from her because we always talk. He's like a brother to me. I've known him since grade school. I glared right back at her and looked away with a smirk. Aaron rolled his eyes. Opal laughed and said, "And here ladies and gentlemen is a stare down between two young wemon, one smart and fashionable, and the other not so smart but has some fashion in her. Who will win, find out next time on Fashionista Diva." We all look at her and bust out laughing. She smiles widely and proudly. Costumers started to come in and look at clothes. I said for them to get to work and before I could get to my office Ava came up to me and said, "Hay boss, some guys said they wanted to talk to you." I raised a brow but came anyway. As I got there I said in a nice and warming tone, "Hello gentlemen how may I be at your service?" A person in glasses was about to speak but the one in a flora hat spoke before he could, "A rose for the beautiful lady." He took out a rose from his pocket. "Sorry sir, I cannot take the rose, for I have read a lot of things online. And from a random stranger like you, I believe I know exactly who you are or more like y'all. And if you want me to provide you that information I can do it right here, right now, but I'd suggest not, for if they find out you would be on the run and I'm not stupid. NOW, what is it I shall help you all with?" After I had said that I put on a smile and waited for their response. He was obviously shocked and put the rose away. He was about to go close to Opal and I could tell he was about to do it to her and I started to get outrageously mad, because she was the youngest out of us, we were protective of her. I grabbed him by his collar and lifted him up. "You flipping go near any of my employees and give them that
f-ing rose I will personally cut off your head and hang it up on my wall just like the others." He struggled to get lose and Aaron came up behind me and put a hand on my shoulder telling me he's not worth it. I said, "One," I looked back at 'rose boy', "Say thank you to him for saving your life, two, don't tell me he's not worth it, everyone is important, they have a roll to full fill, k?" Aaron smirked and nodded his head and went back to his seat behind the counter top. They were all watching it go down and Opal was trying so hard not to laugh at his stupidity. I smirked and looked back at him. "I'd suggest you don't come back. Now go back to your brothers." I sat him back down on the ground and walked back to my spot in front of the brothers. Opal couldn't hold it back no more and started busting out laughing and said between breaths, "You done almost got beat from the boss, you idiot, hahahahaha!" The rest of my employees started to giggle and the other brothers started to snicker. 'Rose boy' blushed of embarrassment. "Alright enough of playing y'all came for a reason, now tell me." The one in a formal suit said, "You have cought the attention of my brother and he was wondering if you and him could get to know each other." And he pointed to the one with glasses. I smirked, "Oh really, is this true?" He looked away and nodded. I could see a slight blush. I put my finger on my chin and went into deep thought. I looked back at him and said, "In one condition," he nodded, "We go on a date instead." They all looked shocked but but he shook out of it and said,
"R-really?!" I nodded my head with a smile. He beamed with joy. And shook his head yes. I smiled even more and said, "Friday at 6p.m. and it's a picnic, okay?" "Yeah!" And with that the others had to drag him out cause he couldn't move. I giggled and went to my office and thought about him all day.

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