Slenderman x Death angel! reader

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(p.s. this will be short, it just popped up in my head, so yeah, ENJOY!!!)
3rd person p.o.v.
You had been in the army since you were 22 and your 28. So not to long but not to short. Some people knew you were an angel. But they didn't know what type. The only one's that do know are your family and close, CLOSE family friends. You were on your way to your only son. He was living with the one and only Slenderman. Slender knew who his mother was and was happy to take him in. But, he never met his mother. Slender's parents are the one's that gave him your child but it was for a reason. They wanted there son to marry you. Not for power but because they thought that you two would connect. Y'all both had y'all's heart broken. Anyway let's get going on to the story.

You were with your brother, and were flying to get to the Slender mansion. You both landed on the door steps at the same time. Your brother, Aaron, said, "HA! I win!" "No we landed at the same time." He grunted and crossed his arms.

Your p.o.v.
I opened up the door quietly and told my brother to tip-toe. We heard chattering and we went into the kitchen and I saw my angel sitting in a chair next to a brown headed beautiful young girl. I smiled and stepped out and no one noticed. I grinned and I walked up to him and started to sing, 'coming home' with my brother. His eyes lit up and everyone turned their head toward us. Mitsiki, my son, jumped out of his seat and I bent down and he ran into my arms I picked him up and he looked me closely. "MOMMY I MISSED YOU!" He said between hiccups. I started to cry and say, "I'm so sorry baby, I missed you everyday, I could never stop thinking about you! Sweetheart I love you so much!" He hugged me tighter and I held him closer. We cried into each other's arms. Aaron said sarcastically, "Hey, what am I chop liver?!" I gave him a death glare and so did Mitsiki. He put his hands up, "Okay, okay I get it, I'll go fill him in, bye *whispers* meanie's." Me and Mitsiki looked at each other and nodded our heads. I put him down and we chased after him he said, "FUDGE NUGGETS," He looked at this tall guy that strangely looked familiar, but to the point, "Welp got to go, cya!" He waved and we went around the tall guy until something snaked around our torso. It pulled us up and it hung us upside down. It made my shirt go down but I stopped it in time before it showed to much. I laughed of embarrassment. Arron laughed at me and I shot a death glare him. He shut-up immediately. I had a sly smirk on. I looked at the one and only Slenderman. I said, "Hello, my name is Y/n, I am Mitisiki's mother, I thank you for taking care of my son, I will have to pay you back some day. If you will, I was wondering if I could have my son back, so I can once again be his mother. I may not be able to make up for the time I have lost but I can be here for him now if you will let me, but I will warn you if you do not let me have him back don't think I won't put up a fight." He replied, "You can have your son back in one condition." I nodded my head for him to continue. "You will stay here in this mansion." I thought about it for a moment and said, "I will stay, but only for my son, I will not have any part of your killing necessities, another words I will not be apart of your team or crew and neither will my brother, my son on the other hand... Is he already apart of you all's team?" He told me 'yes'. As he set us down back on the floor, I bent down to Mitisiki's height and asked him in a motherly and caring tone, "Answer me honestly, do you still want to be apart of their team, being on their side as in doing work for Slenderman, or do you still want to be with them and stay on my side and listen to me, as in I will be the boss of you but I will not ask of you to do 'dirty' work unless if needed." He started to go into deep thought then he shot his eyes open, signaling that he had an idea. He suggested, "How about we do this, I still work for Slendyman but I will be able to decline it in case something happens, that way I'm still working for him but also I still get my freedom, and that I can have sometime to spend with you and Sally, p.s. *whispers in your ear* I love Sally, she so kind, pretty no beautiful, cheerful, and smart, yet she has some secrets that not very many have heard of, although I have heard some of them. She trusts me, I hope." I started to giggle and I ruffle his hair. He has white, short hair, baby blue eyes, and is wearing a off-white long sleeve shirt with black cuffs at the end of the shirt, black, plade capris, and a black and white striped long scarf, with black high knee socks.

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